finnish band Murdershock. Tracked, mixed and mastered at Finnvox studios


Everything on eleven!
Aug 11, 2006
We got the chance to record a demo for free in the biggest and oldest studio in Finland, Finnvox. We got to do it for free because I'm having my working practice(a school thing) there from august till next january. So I can learn how to work there.

We tracked for 4 days and I mixed something like a week or so. making lots of cd's to listen through different systems and what not. wanted to make it really good on every type of system. I think it came out pretty ok. Just click download on the first 3 ones.

So I tracked and mixed it and Mika Jussila mastered it. I also play drums in the band. here's some pictures and videos from the session. it's in finnish so hehe, not many of you will understand it.

Feedback wanted!
I think the vox should come up and the guitars are a little bit fizzy/overgained maybe. Other than that it sounds great. :headbang:
Yeah the fizzyness was a fucking pain in the ass. The ENGL Savage is a quite fizzy amp, especially on the "smooth" setting. IMO it scoops the middlerange a bit too much, EVEN if I max the middle knob! But I'm quite satisfied with the result still.

keith: Yeah I play in Afgrund too :) thanks! OT: have you checked out our full lenght btw? you can hear some shit right there.