Finntroll Guitarist Died

Ghost Tears

Viva Metal
Feb 23, 2003
North Carolina
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To those who didnt know yet sadly Finntroll's Teemu "Somnium" Raimoranta(guitar player) died yesterday. He surely will he remebred by me.

2003-03-16 14:46:09
R.I.P. Teemu 'Somnium' Raimoranta

"Our dear friend and guitarplayer passed away on sunday morning. This is a extremely heavy blow for us and everyone who ever knew this man. We hope that fans and the public won´t speculate, more information will be available when things calm down."
Yeah I heard this yesterday. Somnium was incredible. Fucking awesome songwriter and guitar player. Got goosebumps now, this is horrible. Farewell Teemu, you will be missed...
Eternal_Pazuzu said:
Who is pancakes? Sound like an asshole? 6000+ posts and he's telling _you_ to shut the fuck up?
Must be 'bag the dicks' night for me.

stfu tbqfh. your avatar tells me all i need to know about you. go fuck yourself

(pancakes give me rep for backing you up :))
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