Fire alert

Snausages said:
Thr brush fires are less than three miles from my home, if I vanish I've been evacuated...
Be careful out there, Gary.

I know a friend of mine live up in Crestline and word from the local news channels is that Crestline/Arrowhead areas are being evacuated. Other reports are that the fires in the San Bernadino area are 0% contained. Add this to the 5 other fires currently burning right now, and you end up with southern California covered in a fog of ash.
Glad you are okay Snausie! I want to send hopes and wishes of safety to everyone who may be or know people who are in the fire areas. We could see the flames jumping over the hill on the way to Platinum Live the other night. That was creepy.
Bruce Chickinson said:
Glad to hear it Gary. Those firefighters really earn their money and our respect. I hope they are able to get this stuff contained and put out. What a nightmare. If this is terrorist arson...the kharma's gonna be bad.

More likely arsehole kids... GRUMBLES irritating little spoiled self centered egocentric gits!

Then again, maybe it was the rare Juju Fire Bug that spontaniously explodes in a shower of sparks every time it hears Barry Manilow...

For those of you that are going to the BooBall, please make sure that you check with or before you leave to find out about any road/freeway closures. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time and be certain to drive safely since the visibility is limited in many areas.

I know that the I-5 freeway is closed in both directions between the I-8 and Mira Mesa during certain hours because of the fires.
its been a real ordeal. i live in Lakeside, we were pretty much surrounded by walls of flames for a while on the santee side and on the el cajon side. then the wind shifted and they turned right and COMPLETELY wiped out Crest and a small part of El Cajon outskirts. Man, those Crest people really really got it bad... fucking sad!
Apparently, ex-Great White drummer Audie Desbrow just lost his home to the fires that are currently raging in Los Angeles, San Bernadino and San Diego counties…
Downshifter said:
Apparently, ex-Great White drummer Audie Desbrow just lost his home to the fires that are currently raging in Los Angeles, San Bernadino and San Diego counties…

Bummer. Almost exactly 10 years ago I lost a house I was renting in the Topanga area above Malibu because of the Malibu-Topanga Fire. All that was left of my drums were the charred, bent rims from the toms!