firepod drop-outs!!?

May 17, 2007
I`m freaking out with this shit!! the firepod worked for 2 months, no problems whatsoever. and now, one week before recording my band, my firepod is going totally crazy! It connects normally(most of the time), then I open winamp, play a song. it will work for like 1min. and then the sounds stops. firepod light is always on blue! I have a new acer laptop with dualcore, 1 gig ram and the firewire card has a VIA chip. and my cpu is not high at all. I can change the latency how I like, it doesn`t make any difference, firepod still dops out at 25ms and is not crackling at 2ms.
In Cubase, things worked normally until last week. I activate the asio4all firepod driver(tried the normal firpod driver too, same thing) like always, open my project, everything works. CPU at minimum..., I start recording, and like after 1min there`s no sound anymore and the DAW meters are 0 too (although there is audio playing). then I looked into then asio4all panel and then I saw: "Overload" flashing. but that`s not true. how can that be? and like I said, my pc is fast, cleaned up and everything and if I go up to 25ms latency, I still get the same problem.
(a other weird problem: I wanted to install the new firepod drivers a few weeks ago and everything went well, until the firmware update. It started, and then an error appeared. tried it a few times again, always the same shit. so I installed the old driver again.)
Can somebody help me (fast)?? (I ordered a PCMCIA firewire card with a TI-chip yesterday and I`m hoping, that it will be here on monday and that it will solve my probs.)
"I activate the asio4all firepod driver"

what's this??? I know what the asio4all driver is... but asio4all firepod driver? could you explain?
its actually only the asio4all driver. it works for almost every audio device. you just install it and then in cubase for example (or you go in the asio4all directory and run asio4allpanel), you can choose which driver you want to use. so I deactivate my laptop driver and activate the firepod one. in the panel you can also change the latency. I can get down to 1.5ms with asio4all.
but this is also strange!: I can`t get lower than 12ms with the normal firepod driver (no asio4all)! that`s strange, isn`t it?
I have the same problem every now and then with the latest driver from Presonus. I'm pretty sure that mine happens only after I leave my computer on with the Firepod on and it goes to screen saver (if I don't disable it). Most of the time, I don't leave my comp. long enough for it to go to screen saver, but when it does, I usually have to unplug and replug the Firepod after exiting Nuendo. For continuous sessions where the comp isn't idle for long, I don't have problems. So, I've attributed it to my screen saver.

FWIW, my screen saver program has also locked up in the past on it's own. I'll usually get the "vista white screen" indicating the screen saver is not responding when it the comp. tried to start the SS. I've always thought it was a SS program to Vista incompatibility...I got my laptop the week Vista starting shipping on computers, and some of the features of my laptop have not worked until recently, from new driver dl's that were sent to me...
You could buy a PCI firewire card that is made by texas instruments and put it in. I do this, and do not use on board firewire. It works perfect. Another not leave the firepod on all the time..i turn off my DAW every night. Finally, you should not need those ASIO4all drivers. I would use the presonus ones, especially with Cubase. The firepod was made to work perfectly with Cubase. When you pick the drivers in Cubase it should say something like ASIO [firepod]. They run rock solid in there.
Yep..I think that new Card will fix your issues. I run at 6ms easily and can probably do it at 2ms. When I mix, I drop it back to 25ms latency.
ok, so I got the new PCMCIA TI card now. and guess what??

make sure your firewall isn't messing with it.

Go to Control Panel/Security Center/Windows Firewall:

in the Advanced tab disable the checkmark in 1394 connection (firewire)

Try to install the microsoft patch that corrects Service Pack 2 from limiting firewire to 100. That patch will restore it to 400.

search that on the web or ask for the link at presonus.

hope that helps
I had such problems with my Firepod in Sonar, Audition 1.5, and Audition 2.0..........the guys on the board said try Reaper. WOW!! sooo much better, and my crackles and pops went away. I will be purchasing Reaper 2.0 when it's released!
ok, so I got the new PCMCIA TI card now. and guess what??

Also, what are your computer specs? How much RAM do you have? What latency are you trying to run at currently? Did you install the newest Firebox drivers and are you using them instead of the ASIO4all?