First attempt!


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2009
Hey, first post...

Anyway recently gotten into recording clean DI tracks and using vsts to model the sound post-recording.

Been doing as much research as I have time to, but still a noob at this and would love feedback from you guys.

I'm basically using an amp sim (amplitube), a cab sim, and the bbe plugin. At first was really happy with the sound but the more I spent time doing this stuff the more I started doubting myself...

So yeah, anyone who would like to help me, give some pointers etc. please download my file at

There are four mp3s, showing the process from clean DI to final modeled sound. The clean DI is just my guitar going through a shitty zoom mrs8 module to my computer, but when I finally record properly I'll be borrowing my friends digidesign 002 rack, have already tried it out and got a better sound.
The track's just a bunch of riffs thrown together to give a better overview of the sound, as each riff kinda focuses on different things.

IMPORTANT: This is a quadtracking project, and I was planning to use this tone as one of my base sounds. Been attempting the whole L/R 100/80 pan thing with four tracks, having two of the tracks pumping gain and treble and the other two pumping mids and cutting off some gain and treble. Have had poo results, would really appreciate some direction on this.

I've also heard that with quadtracked guitars, the right method is that for each guitar use a different impulse to keep the cab-sim sound alive. At the moment the DSS3 Mesa SM57 Pres 8 is my favourite impulse simply because it was easiest to work with. I've also got Recabinet's demo impulses, Guitarhacks ones and Podabois higher presence ENGL v30s. I like the Recabinet Ghandi impulses and Podabois ones, but still can't seem to get a sound that I'm as happy with as the DSS3 one.
If you guys have advice on this whole matching impulses technique, please share

Anyway look forward to some replies :)
That works. I'm hearing some crackling artifacts going on.

Oh, and ditch the BBE dude, it's not helping your tone at all. Sounds much better without it.
yeah that would be my shitty zoom module most probably. when I recorded before through a 002 it was a much cleaner noise floor without those artefacts. the zoom module also seems to 'square' off feedback after I gate my track, whereas the 002 gives a more natural decay. I also had doubts bout the bbe, but not happy with just the amp sim + impulse either. can't put my finger on it...anything you could recommend? What do you think of the sound in general?
Sounds like it would be pretty good in a mix. Just got to get rid of that crackling.

If you aren't already using a tube screamer, you could try the one amplitube has. That might be what you're looking for.
thanks will try the screamer out hopefully fix it up a bit
also any recommendations for the second tone to overlay that one in the mix?
the blending is what I'm actually having trouble with haha. No problem with playing tight, just getting a decent sound out of quadtracking is a headache. So you say lessen the gain on all the tracks yeah? I was under the impression that I'd have 2 really gainy tracks and then stack 2 less gain, more mid tracks on top. That hasn't work out too well so far though
Yeah, I'd prefer to get all the tracks sounding good on their own and go from there rather than trying to get a good sound out of 4 different tracks that don't sound good on their own. It could work, but it seems like it would be more of a struggle.
cool thanks will keep trying, also would be interested to hear your recordings if you have any? maybe will help?
Yeah, just search for threads I've posted, you'll find some of what I've done. (Though it doesn't even compare to what some of the guys do around here)