FIRST band I tracked, need advice on the mix.


Jan 21, 2010
So, this is the first band that I have nothing to do with that I tracked recently.
Right from the get go the guitarist (who also played bass) picks way to lightly and has some weird way of palm muting. So there goes the guitars/bass sounding decent. :/

The "main" vocalist wasn't too bad, it's just everybody that recorded (the whole band did a part at some point...) was way too quiet and I also had to record someone whispering. Yay...

I programmed drums for them with pretty much no reference, so sorry for the originality in them haha.

ANYWAY, here it is: MIX_MASTER - BETA 1.mp3
i feel like the vocals are loud. i like the overall feeling of the mix though, its pretty hott. and the very beginning where the guitars stop and than come back in could hit a lot harder and be so sweet. imo of course.
Yeah, this is just a pre-mix.
The vocals were a PITA because they were all so quiet, just couldn't sit them right. And I guess the lack of aggressive guitar picking makes it sound so weak lol.

Thanks though =D
Get the feedback from the band.
Keep in mind I meant feedback from people who actually know what they're talking about.
These kids literally think anything sounds good (compared to what THEY did and thought was decent), and I wanted this to sounds as good as possible because it has my name on it.

I get what you're saying though, and I asked. They were just like "OMGzzz it sounds so Guuuueeedd!!" and that's about it.
I liked the guitar sound. How did you process guitars?

I used the TSE 808, X50, and one of the Cartharsis'/Greg's impulses.
I have Sonimus Satson doing the low/high filtering and VCC on each individual track and an EQ insert on the bus killing problematic low mids and 4k.

That's about it! Oh, and the playing was terribly slopping and weak. :puke: