first clip, be gentle


Jun 9, 2004
northampton, ma
hey guys, hows it going. my name is paul and this is my first clip im sharing. its a real quick recording we did of a new song thats going to go on a local compilation.i know most of the stuff i dont like about it, but id like to hear your opinions as well. just a quick background- ive been engineering for about two years and am totally self taught. i engineer in my project studio in my home. i am learning more everyday thanx to this forum and other books i read, etc. anyway id like to hear what you think, the link is
i look forward to you replies. thanx in advance
wow, 50 somethings views and not one reply, it must be some kind of record. i was hoping to get some feedback, as i value the opinions on this site. is there a reason why no one has replied? let me know if you can please.
Pretty damn good for a first effort, man! Nice guitar tone!

Now, the gripes:

It's overcompressed & pumping like mad. Back off on your "mastering compressor" or whatever you use to get the mix loud. Louder doesn't always mean "better"

2) The drums sound weak. Lean to tune drums, as your drummer either won't or can't. Don't worry, this is a common problem. In my 15 years of recording, I've only met about 3 drummers that can actually do it. Go buy a Tama tension watch and practice, practice, practice.

3) On more drum notes: Tape a quarter or falam slam pad to the kicker, and don't rely on EQ for the click. That, and constantly check to make sure your drum mics are in phase.

Now, my question:

What was the guitar tone setup? Amp/Speaker/Mic/Preamp/Room?

hey man thanx for the comments, well taken. first about the drums, my room is probably most of the problem but i don hear what you are sayin for sure. tuning toms is probably one of the hardest things to get right and make sound huge and cutting, working on that.
anyway the guitars are two tracks on either side. the chain is jackson dinky with emgs into a marshall mode 4 miked with audix i5(really sweet new mics for guitars and drums) and sennheiser e609(not the silver although i love both). one of each on each side and all of them going through the studio projects vtb1 preamp, which i think is really cool for guitar. everytime i record i get better with guitar tones.
as far as the mastering goes, it was done at peerless mastering which is one of the best places in new england and i know what you mean but, its going on a comp and wanted it to compete with the other recordings(what can ya do). i think the mastering job is good for the style but yeah its pretty squashed.
thanx for the comments though and im gonna work on the drum sounds im getting for sure. tama tension watch is one of my next purchases :D .
unsilpauly said:
hey man thanx for the comments, well taken. first about the drums, my room is probably most of the problem but i don hear what you are sayin for sure. tuning toms is probably one of the hardest things to get right and make sound huge and cutting, working on that.
anyway the guitars are two tracks on either side. the chain is jackson dinky with emgs into a marshall mode 4 miked with audix i5(really sweet new mics for guitars and drums) and sennheiser e609(not the silver although i love both). one of each on each side and all of them going through the studio projects vtb1 preamp, which i think is really cool for guitar. everytime i record i get better with guitar tones.
as far as the mastering goes, it was done at peerless mastering which is one of the best places in new england and i know what you mean but, its going on a comp and wanted it to compete with the other recordings(what can ya do). i think the mastering job is good for the style but yeah its pretty squashed.
thanx for the comments though and im gonna work on the drum sounds im getting for sure. tama tension watch is one of my next purchases :D .

What kind of speaker cabinet were you using? The one that came with the mode 4?

Anyway, thanks for the i5 tip. I've been curious about this mic for a while, I guess I'm gonna have to check it out.

BTW, I love the e609 silver as well. It's fab on rectifiers.

One more thing, go invest in a couple of sheets of plywood. Seriously. Put them underneath your drumkit. You'll notice an immediate tonal improvement, and you won't have to EQ as much. Then go get your tension watch. Oh yeah, and new skins won't hurt either.

OzNimbus said:
What kind of speaker cabinet were you using? The one that came with the mode 4?

Anyway, thanks for the i5 tip. I've been curious about this mic for a while, I guess I'm gonna have to check it out.

BTW, I love the e609 silver as well. It's fab on rectifiers.

One more thing, go invest in a couple of sheets of plywood. Seriously. Put them underneath your drumkit. You'll notice an immediate tonal improvement, and you won't have to EQ as much. Then go get your tension watch. Oh yeah, and new skins won't hurt either.

hey man, it was a mesa cabinet the one for the dual rectifier. yeah, i got the i5s online from a place called road dog online for $75.00, super sweet, i think they are really killer mics. and seriously from the e609 siilver to the regular 609, there is a pretty good difference. the silver isnt as full sounding as the regular 609. i found the 609 online for 110.00 brand new which is basically the same price as the silver. i have and use both alot though but the silver isnt as nice generally.

as for the plywood thing, im actually gonna put a wood floor in my drumroom, so that should help quite a bit, i would think.

again, thanx for the comments