First clip of my EP, please listen!

guitar sound is nasal as hell, i'm not sure if i could get used to it

i'm liking the kick sample, although the snare is a bit dry. rest of the kit sounds nice!

vocals could do with with some mids (like 400Hz reasonably wide band) scooped out, and if that doesn't lower it in the mix enough, bring them a dB or 2 down. on second listen, perhaps some more compression, too.

all in all, pretty good sounding, i'd say!

Hey Marcus,

If you're welcome to the criticism, I would recommend sucking out the 'woolyness' on the rhythm guitars heavily. That sorta 400 to 600hz range. After that I think the mix will open up a lot more, in the wake of which you can evaluate whether or not the drums and vocals are perhaps a little too dry.

Look forward to hearing the thing when it's done!
Thanks guys, and thanks Ermz, I posted it looking for constructive criticism, so it's always appreciated! And yeah, I had been debating whether to cut around 400 on the guitar bus, so now I think I'll do it. Any thoughts on the bass?
It's a bit hard to discern from the guitars, but the bass might possibly have a little bit too much low-mid content as well. That's usually the cross-over point where the guitars and bass tend to fight a lot. If you have access to the Rockband multi-tracks, I would recommend grabbing a Curve EQ from the Killswitch Engage bass and applying it to yours just for some pointers. It's immensely educational to do this and much more accurate than having us guess at it. My thoughts are that it will carve up your lower mids and beef up the sub bass region, so the bass becomes more solid and at the same time articulate.
I agree with most of the comments. I don't think the guitars are the main issue in the low mids; I believe there is a lot of low mid focus in all of the tracks. I would do some complex eq on the vocals first, try a little presence boost around the 5-7k region, high shelf up a db or so at around 3khz, HP them at around 120hz, and take a nice "step" out around 500hz. This will help seat the vocals, instead of letting them dominate the mix.

The material is pretty cool.
how did you record guitars, i thought you were "headless" since you sold the dual?


Wow seriously don't like these guitars, especially in comparison to what you've put out in the past. Bass guitar is ok, the cymbals are really piercing (like Sora01's), and the snare is getting lost really easily and is small. The vocals need some serious saturation/distortion, and a bit softer.

All in all I've heard much better from you in the past and I think you can do much better than this, sorry.
Those guitars just seem to sound a little weird in general to be honest. Like Morgan, I just really wasn't feeling the guitars.
Wasn't quite hearing that cymbal harshness, plenty of pro productions had much more, I think you're okay there.
Back to the guitars though. Something about the 6-7KHz fizz region seems wrong. Sounds like it was either reamped too dark in the first place or you've reduced too much of that frequency range. It just seems that what you're left with is some upper mids/treble frequencies trying to give you brightness, but just falling slightly short and consequently it sounds a little too dark. Granted, it's much better than having unpleasant excess fizz and certainly there is nothing harsh about the tone.
I think you'll definitely benefit from "fizzing" the tone up slightly and boosting various other upper mid/treble frequencies just a tiny bit to improve the perception of "Airyness" in the tone.

Also when the vocals kick in, the snare drum just seems to be a bit hidden. Turn down the vocal track, but otherwise I don't think the snare is particularly bad or anything.
The other dudes already adressed my comments on the mix about the weird guitars and the dry/too upfront vocals, but I like that riff!
I think everything has been said already...

Too much low-mids on guitars (between 200Hz and 600Hz, try a pretty wide cut), snare too dry and too low, vocals too high and too dry (try to put a gentle stereo delay to make it sit better and make it wider too). The kick is not my cup of tea, but it's working fine, so it's just my taste.
I don't hear any problem with the OHs here.