First clip of my FF7 cover medley :D


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, first off, yes I have S2.0, but I haven't saved an overall template preset for it yet (I just keep opening the session I have for my EP, where I've been doing all my mixing of the kit in Reaper), so I used my cheesy old drum setup just for convenience's sake (so as to not lose inspiration :D) But I've been working on the guitar tone and I'm pretty happy with it, tell me what you guys think! It's TSS --> SoloC --> WildHades' [SP]Mesa Oversize 4x12 pack, SM57 03 in particular

Birth of a God ROUGH.mp3

There will of course be more to come, and these are just scratch tracks (and yes, I'll use S2.0 on the final version). But mainly, I'd like to know what you guys think of the guitar tone, cuz I've never really made much of an effort with ITB tones
Amazing lead tone and vibrato ;)
The rhythm tone may need more mids, bass, and higher volume.
Is the bass guitar missing?
The rhythm guitar tone sounds fine although it's a little difficult to judge based only on this particular clip but I definitely like the lead tone (and the overall playing).
Thanks guys! Yeah, no bass guitar yet, like I said this is all very rough and in the early stages, I just really wanted to share how it sounded because I was really proud of my exact transcription of all the nuances of the lead lines/harmonies :D (including panning) Glad you guys liked 'em!
I read S2.0 and was about to say the drums suck, but then I read better. Lead tone is ace, but rhythm isn't loud enough IMHO, maybe not crunchy enough, depends if you want it metallish or head-rockish.

With nice drums and bass in it, it should sound really good, it's just lacking that depth for now.
I like your vibrato, it's not often a guitarist worked on his vibrato. That sounds cool !

Can't say for the tone, I'm on a laptop. Anyway it seems like we're gonna remix the whole soundtrack, because I also have a few more covers waiting in my reaper projects folders :)
Thanks a lot Mat, I've worked very hard at developing a good vibrato and think it's one of the most important skills a guitarist can have, so I appreciate you mentioning it! :) And that's cool that you're working on a bunch more, but I might as well ask now: PLEASE don't do Cosmo Canyon (cuz I really really really really want to :D)
Yeah I have worked a little on my vibrato, but still not 100% satisfied. I appreciate when you can feel the guitarist wants the vibrato to come and masters it, and not when he does a pseudo-vibrato at the end of any phrase because he has to. BTW, I discovered I played better in solo on my old lag with single coils and flat frets than on my ESP with EMG and high frets. There's an amazing difference, especially in the ability to make the vibrato expressive.

About Cosmo Canyon... Let's fight :lol:

I propose you a deal : you do Cosmo Canyon, and I do the other version, entitled "great warrior" or something like that, when red XIII knows about his father if you see what I mean. It's not the same :)
Oh yeah, that one also plays during the optional Bugenhagen death scene, really really moving there IMO, that'd be great to hear!
Never listened to the original since I've only played FF8, but sounds pretty good to me...
I would automate the lead levels so that overall the volume is more or less like the first lead part, cause at the end of the clip the leads are over anything else (again, I don't know the original...).
Drums need teh br00talz, although their actual sound works fine for videogame music, I think.

Nice playing.
Thanks dude, and yeah, this was a total rush mix and it's still in the really early stages, so to quote the Brits, I just couldn't be arsed to automate the leads, which I agree will definitely be necessary in the end (as will using S2.0 for the drums, trust me, I don't want the end product to sound like video game music, at least mix-wise :D)
I don't know and never listen original song but like always Markus, great playing. Except the fact I hate this fake guitar tone made by impulse:cry:
I haven't played the game but this I could easily listen to even you were to make a 45min medley :)

Kinda relaxing and reminds me abit of Satriani, there's a good vibe,
and sounds like your playing comes out very natural.

Lead tone is awesome, want more :headbang: