First day of school

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
This is what i plan to do today on my first day of school

Walk into school.....
Don't say hi to anyone....
notice this very hot beautiful big breasted girl in the halls.....
she has a..... stratovarius shirt on....
and many death metal patches on her bag
Approach her.....
She jumps on me and we just leave... cut the first day of school and .... listen to metal!!!!!!
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You get a girl to leave with you and all you can think about doing with her is listen to metal? :loco:

Wow, you're the truest metal head that ever lived! Rock on homeboy!:)
When i read it at first, i didnt notice the first sentence.
so i thought thats what you DID on your first day...and i was like:
"wow, some ppl are just lucky!"

Then i noticed you said its what you PLAN on doing :)
now it makes a bit more sense...
just started year 13 today and straight away got dissed and looked at by both teachers and students because the way i look (all black and leather jacket with my Vader t-shirt and finger ring thingy) :cry: i didnt really care that much although it got annoying with people keep on coming up to you talking shit.

also, when walking home a car drove up to me and my friends (who unfortunately dont like good music:cry: ) and asked me for drugs. so now i look like a gothic drug dealer do i !!!!!!!!!!!

as for your plan, well i wish. theres only one other person in my school that likes good metal (i.e. not slipknot and nu metal shit) and its a he! damn it seems that whenever i see a good looking metal listening woman shes always with a man! damn can we make the music more appealing to women please!:mad:
Walk into school.....
Don't say hi to anyone....
notice this very hot beautiful big breasted girl in the halls.....
she has a..... stratovarius shirt on....
and many death metal patches on her bag
Approach her.....
She jumps on me and we just leave... cut the first day of school and .... listen to metal!!!!!!

LOL... Maybe Listen to Metal is his way of saying "Fuck her ass while we listen to metal!"

That would be a cool day, but does she have to be big breasted? I like all sizes... :)
also, when walking home a car drove up to me and my friends (who unfortunately dont like good music ) and asked me for drugs. so now i look like a gothic drug dealer do i !!!!!!!!!!!

so did you sell them any? ;)
I feel kinda lonely being the only one who likes good music at my school... I get called goth a lot becuase of the opeth and emperor shirts I wear but there is this one kid, I got him to like Bolt Thrower (let him borrow ...for victory cd) and i got him to like immortal (i let him borrow my damned in black cd), im going to let him get familier with black/death metal then let him borrow some of my opeth cds :) wish me luck :cool:
did that really happen. how can people get so damn lucky. i never get half that lcuky in my life. :mad:
beside for one of my friend, no one in my stupid town even know of these scandanavia band i guess. all the girl in the school is either into limp dickhead or R&B. alway running their mouth like bitch. shut the fuck up before i put my dick in your mouth. i need to buy an opeth t-shirt and wear it to school.
I have a lot of trouble to, its very sad... I try and turn some people onto my music, but they end up just being posers, or just getting kind of into it. I lent one of my best friends Bwp and she liked it a lot but I am not sure what is going to happen next, she listens to some pretty crazy obscure stuff as well, but not like Opeth. I am questioned a lot on my clothing (which is really normal, except for the weird band shirts) and it is very annoying. Since I am only 15 and go to school with a bunch of ghetto ass holes my long hair is often an issue, but I usually just act like a smart ass and they shutup cause they can't think of anything to come back. :lol: It is quite fun doing that!