what do opeth songs remind you of?


Dec 31, 2001
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today i was listening to BWP for the first time in some months now, and when i heard The Drapery Falls, i remember.... basic 4 cereal! because the first time i heard it i was eating cereal... so yeah, this topic is about THINGS or events that Opeth songs remind you of...

the drapery falls- basic 4 cereal
deliverance- first time i heard this song, it was on a walk during winter, i could hear the cracking ice under my feet and it still sometimes makes me shiver like before
in mist she was standing- rainy day that i first heard this song, always reminds me of rain
april ethereal- on my way to school, there's a bunch of trees, and in the part of "the forest folded its branches around me" i was passing by this big old tree, and the picture remained in my mind.
the amen corner- chips!, i was munching on some potato chips when i heard it

hmmm if i remember most i'll post... what about you guys?
the song hope leaves reminds me of splitting with my fiancee - happened to be on at the time, fittingly enough. err.... deliverance reminds me of trying to play that bastard riff on the drums..... the (terrible) lit album a place in the sun reminds me of losing my virginity when I was 15 lol :D
Blackwater Park reminds me of Winter, especially sunrise. I would always listen to it on the way to school and it was usually sunrise at that time, so yeah. Black Rose Immortal also puts really cool images in my head that I can't explain.
I first got into Opeth about a year and a half ago, so last summer whenever I had to drive my little brother to play practice or art classes or wherever I was forced to chauffer him I always had Blackwater Park on. In general the CD hits with images of a swamp or a bog. Its humid and the air is like trying to breath maple syrup. None of the songs really strike me so much individually, just that swamp atmosphere. Except, when I started the car one day and The Funeral Portrait had just started and it was the hottest day that summer. That song just makes me think of fire, but it doesn't burn anything, everything just melts in the flames. :hotjump:
The night and the silent water is so powerful, the music, the lyrics, it reminds me of mikaels love and sadness of his grandpa dying, no joke. Its that powerful.
Opeth in general remind me of a forest in Winter.

Bleak reminds me of being embarassed in the middle of the main street in my town because I bought BWP, threw it into my discman as I was leaving the shop, skipped onto song 2 by mistake and more or less shouted (in the way that you can't tell how loud you're being with headphones on) "Holy Sh*t" the first time that I heard Bleak. Lots of people looking strangely at me. Also, the "Devious movements..." bit reminds me of my-ex as she was pretty devious both before and after the whole break-up.

Orchid, Morningrise and MAYH all remind me of my parents because when my-ex and I broke up, I moved out and back home with the folks for a while and it was there that the cd's were delivered to.

Still Life reminds me of a field for some reason. Dunno why

Damnation reminds me of a friend that I hadn't seen in about 15 years that I bumped into in the shop when I was buying the album.

No real story about Deliverance but the title reminds me of the film :)
Creedence reminds me of their website. :hypno: It was the first song (and only at the time) I heard and I surfed around on their website.

The wierd guitar "noise" at the end of the second verse of April Ethereal reminds me of when I "discovered" that paticular song, and some winter stuff.