First full mix - point out my newbie mistakes and help me with my snare!

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Hi, I've been lurking round here for a couple months now, just checking stuff out, downloading samples and other people's mixes, etc. Anyway, finally got a rough mix together. Dont comment on the 'song' its just a whole bunch of different things so we can choose the best tones to work with. Bass and guitar are through a PodX3 - Bass I chose (imo) the best out of about 5, a preset called Metal Theater. Split it into 3 tracks - no distortion, some and most. Guitar I only had the one tone to work with. Sounds kinda meh, compared to most of the tones here. Sounds killer when the palm mutes start to come off though.

Drums are my own, sampled from my kit, except for the kick, which I got from here. Not rly happy with it, waiting for a different sample from a friend, for a thud rather than a click. Cymbals are also sampled, everything done with midi. Cymbals have only had compression, no EQ and I rkn they sound kickass. Also very happy with the toms. Snare is a Pearl Brass Freefloater, its really expensive - more expensive than most snares recorded with at the pro-level, yet I can't get a killer sound out of it. If anyone's willing to help I'll post a few examples of what I'm trying to get. This is what I'm really struggling with.

Anyway, enough talk, here you are:
Bump/Major update: 2 different guitar tones instead of one with a delay to pan, better bass (I think), strings, choir, TERRIBLE piano (can't get it sounding right, seems to want to fit into the 800Hz range but that makes it sound like an electric piano ><).

100 views no comments? I'm dying for some advice here.
drums are too quiet and the synth is to loud

try some parallel compression on the drums .. if you dont know what that is then check out the faderwear guide on it that is somewhere in the production tips forum
drums are too quiet and the synth is to loud

try some parallel compression on the drums .. if you dont know what that is then check out the faderwear guide on it that is somewhere in the production tips forum

agreed! also, i'd say the guitars have a bit too much treble and the bass sounds too distorted. do yourself a favor and get a good set of headphones if you can't mix on some near-fields. the Sony MDR-7506's are pretty good.

if you're looking for a better piano sound, google "truepianos"