Help me with my snare tone.


Mar 22, 2010
I got Slate drums recently and i love it, but i know the snare tone could be better. To me it sounds like there is too much bottomhead/snare wire and i dont know how to fix it, ive tryed other snares but keep going back to the same ones (Snare13a, Tommy snare).

Right now im just eqing it alittle, boosting around 200 and scooping some 1000 from it.
My drum bus has a multicompressor and voxengo elephant limiter set in clip top.
Then my master chain has Ozone4, and Voxengo Elephant

Everytime i try and compress it alittle i end up losing the main attack and it just sits under the mix.

Can anyone help me out, tell me what else i should try?

Heres an example, did it twice with two different snares.

Heres just drums

took everything off the drum bus, took eq off snare.
Yeah okay the reverbs fine. They're just weird snares, sound like a shovel hitting a barn or something. Don't you have anything with more snap?
Yeah okay the reverbs fine. They're just weird snares, sound like a shovel hitting a barn or something. Don't you have anything with more snap?

The other ones i would find that had more snap to em always sounded like they had too much bottomhead/snarewire sound to me. Ill go through some more tommorow when i can get to it.
woah. Yeah, it's very compressed. I think he was referring to the drums in general...

IMO, the snare sounds fake. Especially the little roll at the end. Adjust velocities... it can really take an alright midi drum track to a sick midi drum track (with all things considered).