First full recording of my band. (AD & Gearbox)

While I'm not really into this style of music, I can hear a rare "professionalism" that not a whole lot of bands could pull off on their own for a debut EP (production-wise and music). Good work man!
I'm hearing lots of pumping going on.

The compression is actually really overbearing. I know the mix is good but it's hard to appreciate it with so much squashing happening.
Fair enough dude, any particular reason? Genre maybe? Yeah I agree on the bass, it is rather boomy. I am looking for constructive criticism so if you wanna pick more holes then please feel free...

About the "hated the rest" yeah it's a matter of personal taste. I just hate this genre, except a few bands (the ones that kinda started it).

Fix the low-end and then i'll tell you if i notice something else.
I think it sounds pretty tight, the low end is a bit much, but really it sounds better than anything ive done and as good as things Ive bought on purpose, the bass drops every other second kind of bother me, its a pretty cliche technique to begin with and frankly i like the tunes and dont think you need 12 of them per a song if you must have them at all.
Listening for the first time right now.
I like this style of music for different reasons. Firstly, I really dig the low tuning, which doesn't sound muffled or anything (props for that!!!), chunky rhythms and powerful grooves, the dual vox thing sounds badass (I've heard lots of people do this wrong due to pitches that dont mesh well). I actually like the low-end, call me crazy.
Its low-tuned music with tons of bass, I think it only makes sense for the production to relate that in the mix.
This will be going into my rotation for sure.
Keep up the awesome work man!!! Your bandmates as well :headbang:

P.S. Any chance you'd be willing to share the gearbox settings? :worship:
+1 on sharing your gearbox settings, or even just giving us a clue? I presume you're using the metal add-on pack? I've been debating whether to get that or not... if you used anything off of that I'm sold! That tone is SICK!!
yeah post the settings!!!
but this mix is heavy as hell....i personally like lots of bass, the subdrops could be used a bit more sparingly but all in all it works for me
Completely forgot about this thread. Sorry guys. I understand what you mean about the sub drops, There were actually only 4 :p and one of them was actually in there by accident, as I had copied and pasted some of the drum parts and accidently copied the sub drop with it. But yeah we listened to the track with and without them and just felt it sounded better with them in.

Thanks to everyone who gave positive feedback! And also to everyone who gave me pointers :)

And yeah the guitar tone was using the Big Bottom model on the metal pack. I've posted this a few times before but my settings were pretty much just everything cranked apart from gain hahaha, here's a screenshot:

I also used the FX boost + E.Q. with everything at 12 o'clock apart from mid which was at about 3 o'clock. The cab model was a v30 cab with a 421 mic. That's pretty much it!

We're gonna be re-recording the vocals at some point soon with both of our vocalists (at the moments it's just one doing all the vocal parts) as we've now got the old vocalist from the band Traces. So I'll post an updated mix with possibly some slightly reduced bass then.

Also recorded some new rough ideas yesterday: song.mp3 2.mp3

Probably a few too many sub drops again really hahaha.

Cheers guys.
Sounds fine except the leads should come up with that dude is going to be rippin like that - is it you? Other than that, don't change a thing.

I like the music, the mix, it all works. I look forward to the release.

I have an EC-1000 too (tuned to B standard right now lol) - I'll never get rid of it!!

Cheers guys!

006 - Yeah I agree, the solo does get pushed to the back a bit. And yeah it is me, I think that might be why I have it turned down so quiet, I've never really been much of a lead player, so I get a bit self conscious of my playing :p And yeah I fucking LOVE the EC1000 (mine's tuned to drop A flat haha), got it at half of the UK RRP, but would happily have payed double for it.

CatharsisStudios - Haha, yeah as funny as the concept of deathcore bulb is, that's actually pretty much what we were going for (but not too deathcore :p). And thanks man, glad you like it. :D

Habsburgs - Hahahahaha, Tad Donley would be proud! :p Also thankyou for the nice comment! :)