
I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
Hello everyone, haven't posted in sometime.

Wanted to get some feedback on this mix. My first time trying a straight hardcore band. Let me know what you think.

Still unmastered.

The mix as a whole isn't gluing very well. Work with making everything blend more together. I'd cut some of the nasaly tone of the guitar too, sounds like somewhere in the 600-1k area.
Nah I can dig the song itself and it sounds good to me tracking wise, good job on that. Just make every instrument sit a bit better. Is there a compressor on the master bus? Sounds like it could benefit from that if not. There doesn't seem to be any low end coming from the bass guitar, I'm sure boosting some low end there will make the mix glue better.
I agree with the whole mix is not gluing comment, it sounds tracked well though. The vocals sound a bit dry too. What did you use for guitars? The distortion has this weird character to it that I get from certain amp sims.
guitars is 5150 thru mesa cab mic'd with two sm57's

Guitars aren't a big deal, just a bit too much mids on the 5150. Cutting some of that area out, turning them up, turning up the low end on the bass, get the master compression slightly pumping and it'll be in super heavy hardcore. My only real real complaint is the slate drums.
I like the mix - the snare ring and super mids guitar give it character.

Maybe bring up a bit more room mic on the drums - everything else is cool.
Actually this is the first time i made it my goal not to use slate samples at all. These are all samples I found lurking around here. I believe they were from the Erkan sample pack

Toms are erkan
Snare is a mix of erkan sense snare and a sample I made (to get that ringing)
Kick is erkan kick plastic

Thank you for the help. I'm always hesitant with my low end. I'll work on the bass and post an updated version
Hey guys!

So here is the mastered version with some changes to the mix, brought some low end in the bass and i took some mids out of the guitar

I think I might have overdone it though...can i get some fresh ears?

It's sounding way more awesome now, nice job. There's still a slight frequency in the guitar that is slightly itching me, but it's not a huge deal. Mix sounds very good.