My first full band mix...


Ik ben lekker...
Feb 21, 2006
los angeles
Hey guys. I figured I'd post this up because I haven't really gotten any critiques on it yet. It's a recording of my previous band. I did it a few months ago - in May to be exact. I know I have a long way to go, but was this bad for my first full band mix? I programmed the drums because the drummer couldn't play to a click. Some of you that know Ans may have heard this already. The guitars are all single tracked and pay no attention to the solo near the end; the other guitarist winged it because we wanted a solo there and didn't have time to write one as we were on a tight schedule. But yea, constructive criticism would be killer and unfortunately I don't have the session files for this any more. :erk:

Click here for the mp3...

Oh, if you guys are interested, the band is still together (minus me) and their website is here...
Ok guys it's up. Be brutally honest. I need to get better and thats really the only way. What sticks out as horribly wrong and what, if anything, is right?
The guitars sound a bit too "middy-muddy" kinda thing that's making the notes unclear. The drums sound pretty cool.Some of them are hard to hear with the mix though. Vox are a little cloudy to me.
Guitars sound muddy. Good riffs though. Vocals maybe a little louder, seem kinda buried but it might be because of the guitars.
So the biggest problem you guys notice is the guitars? Too mid heavy is what I was thinking too. The reason they sound distant is because we used a weird micing technique. We have a 57 half on the cone and half off and a 609 3 feet away so that's probably the problem there. Thats easily remedied. Any critiques on the bass sound? BTW, thanks for the responses so far.