First: hy, i´m nu! second: playlist of current tour!


Scream for mercy ! ! !
Nov 25, 2005
in munich
hy there!

i wonder what the playlist of the current tour would look like.
i´ve seen one in the german metal hammer, but it was one from
the second evening of a two-night show.
nevertheless, on this list, there were just two songs of the nu
album, in your face and are you dead yet!
can´t believe they just play two songs out of my favourite album!
alexi said, that they changed it a bit for the second evening.
has anyone of you been to a show of this tour yet?
would be very happy to hear it!

thanks a lot



...and AYDY is your favourite album...
....explains everything :D

Just kidding, welcome, but we have an 'Introduce yourself'-thread and the setlist was posted in other threads too...just use the search button...
But you won't be disappointed, There are lots of AYDY-Songs in the setlist, at least in the setlist they use on the America tour, the Europe-Tour hasn't started yet, so you have to wait, maybe they'll change some songs...we'll see...