Nevermore DB, HY etc tour


All about the METAL
Nov 30, 2002
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Just another mention of this tour happening in November....looks to be a wild bill . This is from

I can't wait until Nov to see Nevermore so I'm assuming they will be going out before this one.

Alright, here's some very nice, and well...huge US touring news for all the heavy metal fans out there, and I'd figure with this being a metal site, that most of you are. I was at Jaxx last night for LACUNA COIL, TAPPING THE VEIN, and DAYLIGHT DIES. It was a great show, and LACUNA COIL is truly incredible live. Well, before they got on stage, Jaxx owner Jay Nedry came out and addressed the crowd with some touring news, so here goes. ARCH ENEMY will return to the states with SYMPHONY X, and ICED EARTH sometime in October, with the first announced date being at Jaxx on October 15th. Also, following up on my HELLOWEEN/JAG PANZER date, there will only be 8 other dates on the tour, so the rest of 'em should be coming in soon. Moving right along,'s true, the NEVERMORE, CHILDREN OF BODOM, DIMMU BORGIR, and HYPOCRISY bill will hit the states in November, and that is the final tour package...from what Jay told the crowd. No official date, but it will be here. I'm off for now, going to see LACUNA COIL once again in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, PA. So you all take care, more news to come from tomorrow night's show I'm sure. Stay metal.
NEVERMORE, CHILDREN OF BODOM, DIMMU BORGIR, and HYPOCRISY bill will hit the states in November,


ARCH ENEMY will return to the states with SYMPHONY X, and ICED EARTH sometime in October

:eek: again
Actually, now I read that the SX, AE tour will NOT be happening. Apparently the owner of Jaxx speaks before asking bands on many occassions and SX plans on being in Europe or in the studio doing a new cd, they had never been asked to do a tour with AE.

So who knows what will happen...that would've been cool though
This is a great year for metal so far, and it looks like it will only get better. I cant wait for the Nevermore/Dimmu, etc.tour. Fucking A.
Damn you, I nearly just shit my pants over the Arch Enemy/Symphony X/Iced Earth thing, jesus it's not happening!
oh well, the other tour...will cover up more than enough, jesus christ
Chromatose said:
its true, my hopes have been falsely raised numerous times, those bastards..

Sorry guys....I am a regular on the SX board and according to the Lady of the Oracle, she spoke with M. Romeo and this was all news to him; he is the one who told her that their plan was to either be in the studio at that time or over in Europe......."all in all it's just another kick in pants"

Oh well, that is why I can't wait for Nevermore to come to town to rip my face off!!!!!!!!WOOOOHOOOOOO:)
What a surprise...