first little mix on windows 7 (just getting it setup) unboosted 5150


Held in Hollows
Mar 19, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
This is a quick clip of man made god (again). Not played properly but it's just a setup test.

I needed to test out Windows 7 / DFHS / Cubase 5 and the Presonus. Ohhh and the VST Instruments (that's why there is some shitty untouched piano instead of acoustic. Just needed to make sure it works).

Also moved my computer outside to another room and rearranged the amps so had to make sure the guitar tone was still there.

I'm liking the tone a lot man! Everything sounds pretty awesome to be honest. The growl you've got in the tone is exactly what I associate with a 5150. :)
Actually, I'd wager a lot of that growl comes from the Engl Pro cab Dylan - I really like 5150's through those I've decided, as they add a much needed boost of character that IMO a 5150 through Recto cab lacks. Sounds good Pete, maybe a touch boomy/woofy on the palm mutes, do you really think using a TS would take away from the tone you're trying to achieve here? (which other than the woof is really good)
Thanks Dylan. I love the Growl of the 5150 too!

Actually, I'd wager a lot of that growl comes from the Engl Pro cab Dylan - I really like 5150's through those I've decided, as they add a much needed boost of character that IMO a 5150 through Recto cab lacks. Sounds good Pete, maybe a touch boomy/woofy on the palm mutes, do you really think using a TS would take away from the tone you're trying to achieve here? (which other than the woof is really good)

It was the first time (i can recall) I miced the bottom speaker. Usually it's the top left speaker which sounds best. Was just trying that. No I don't think a TS would impact negatively. Probably help clean up my playing (haha) and the woofyness as you've suggested

Haha, it sounds good, but you played the last part wrong!

Not played properly but it's just a setup test.


Great guitars Poid!! Double or quad-tracked? Are they raw or did you "eqed" them? Can you post just the guitars?

Quadtracked only for me!

EQ was a Hi pass @ 80hz and a Low Pass @ 12khz. Then a really wide boost @ 1.6khz.(just a smidgen!). Generally that's what I do for all my geets.

Here are the guitars on their own since you asked nicely! Exposes my playing haha. The tone isn't tight at all I'm not a fan of overly tight tones. I like a bit of sag as long as they sound meaty and a huge and I can get them with plenty of saturation.

hmm..for some reason they are crackling...must be the interface playing up. turned them down and took off mastering..still had it Stupid presonus
Hey Pete, sounds good as always...But rather than comment on the tone, I'm more interested in the Win7 setup with Cubase 5 and all that. How is it working? Were you on Vista or XP before? Are you running 32 or 64bit? I'm SUPER interested to hear how well Cubase 5 is working on this OS and if you've noticed any better CPU usage, etc. I'm looking to move to both CUbase 5 and 7 if I can swing it.
Nate it's running really good. Quick as it's been. The presonus is finally working properly without a glitch every 10 minutes

Using 64bit Windows 7. Test Cubase 64bit but DFHS didn't work so I put on Cubase 32bit.
Thanks for the guitars Poid! I couldn't be rude and ask for a favor, could I,haha???? I've never played through an Engl cab,so a few questions.. All the clips I've heard from you have huge low end coming from the guitars,without being muddy or boomy. So how do you deal with the lows from the Peavey? I mean,do you dial more lows from the amp or its' the cab's character that gives massive low end? How about the presence and treble? Do you find the cab to be pretty fizzy,in a good way of course,saturated as you said with normal settings,or you dial a lot of treble and presence? Also,what kick sample did you use?
Thanks for the guitars Poid! I couldn't be rude and ask for a favor, could I,haha???? I've never played through an Engl cab,so a few questions.. All the clips I've heard from you have huge low end coming from the guitars,without being muddy or boomy. So how do you deal with the lows from the Peavey? I mean,do you dial more lows from the amp or its' the cab's character that gives massive low end? How about the presence and treble? Do you find the cab to be pretty fizzy,in a good way of course,saturated as you said with normal settings,or you dial a lot of treble and presence? Also,what kick sample did you use?

My exact settings are

Gain: 5, Bass 7, Mids 2, Treble 7, Resonance 8 and Presence 5. I'm pretty sure the extra woofyness came from micing the bottom speaker which I normall don't do.

The kick sample is called 'caliban.wav' so I'm sure it's got something to do with that band.