First Mix Ever (Metal/Progressive)


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2016
What's up dudes! This is my first post on the forum. I just bought my first bundle of recording software a few weeks ago & I wanted to see if you guys would listen to my mix & give me some pointers on getting a better sound.

I found this cool band Karhu that posted some DI tracks here on Ultimate Metal:

Check out that thread if you haven't seen it. There's a whole album worth of stems they're giving away for us to practice with! Sweet! Thanks Karhu! :)

Anyway, check it out & give me some pointers. Thanks!

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For a first mix, I think its awesome man congrats :) The cymbals are giving away the fact that they are midi (and the snare a bit) but cymbals from drum machines are a pain in the ass as I see it. Maybe better samples can solve this but im too inexperienced right now to say for sure. Anyways really cool mix for start :)
As far as the hi-hat is concerned though, toying around with velocities and automated volume can make it a little more realistic
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Thanks for the reply! Yeah, cymbals are the worst! hahaha! I think I'll have to look into quantizing them.
For a first mix, I think its awesome man congrats :) The cymbals are giving away the fact that they are midi (and the snare a bit) but cymbals from drum machines are a pain in the ass as I see it. Maybe better samples can solve this but im too inexperienced right now to say for sure. Anyways really cool mix for start :)
As far as the hi-hat is concerned though, toying around with velocities and automated volume can make it a little more realistic

Good call on the cymbals. I increased the Voice & Layer Limit in Superior Drummer & it helped dramatically. I'm reading up on Quantizing the cymbals now. I talked to Jamie King a while back & he recommended doing it on MIDI Drum recordings. Thanks again!

All critiques & recording tips welcome! Thanks guys!
Here's a new mix I just finished. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life. I think this one came out pretty good. I'm gonna take a listen when I wake up but I'm pretty sure it's the best I've done so far. It's also the first mix I've done with vocals.

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Hey dude, the female vocals need Dsing somewhere between 10-15k I think. And I dont like the drums so much on this one :/ They need to be somewhat bigger. More thick and more powerful I think and more balanced (overheads and hi hat are a bit too loud compared to the rest of the kit). And I think its lacking low end, probably because the bass is low volumewise. Finally I think the male vocals are a bit dry and they seem to me as if they are a bit isolated from the rest of the mix and the guitars are a little low volumewise. Thats only my opinion of course.
Hey dude, the female vocals need Dsing somewhere between 10-15k I think. And I dont like the drums so much on this one :/ They need to be somewhat bigger. More thick and more powerful I think and more balanced (overheads and hi hat are a bit too loud compared to the rest of the kit). And I think its lacking low end, probably because the bass is low volumewise. Finally I think the male vocals are a bit dry and they seem to me as if they are a bit isolated from the rest of the mix and the guitars are a little low volumewise. Thats only my opinion of course.

I agree that the low end sounds too weak. I guess that's what happens when you mix all day & night for several days in a row. lol! I've decided to take a break & let my ears get back to normal.

The male & female vocals are on the same track so I can't do anything individually. They were already mixed & mastered.

As for the drums... I bought The Rock Warehouse SDX a few days ago & tried it out. It's not really supposed to be a balls to the walls Metal sounding kit. I figured it would be good for a band like Evanescence. I added triggers over the Kick & Snare (Andy Sneap Gog's). I also ran 2 drum busses, compressed one & sent the snare & toms to a Reverb bus. I think I may have over-compressed the second bus though. I also agree about the hats & overhead being too loud. I brought the levels down in my latest mix.

I listened to the original album recording & the drums aren't really that up front in the mix. They definitely have the vocals in your face though. I have a better mix now but I'm gonna wait a few days to finish it up.
I dont remember the drums on the original song, but I think they need to be a little bigger not so much in front. Mostly the snare (like more snap but keep its body too), im waiting for the next one :)
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I dont remember the drums on the original song, but I think they need to be a little bigger not so much in front. Mostly the snare (like more snap but keep its body too), im waiting for the next one :)

What do you think about this one? Remember, the male & female vocs & the background synth strings are on the same track so I can't do anything individually to those tracks.
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EDIT: Well crap... SoundCloud deleted my track. Ugh...
What do you think about this one? Remember, the male & female vocs & the background synth strings are on the same track so I can't do anything individually to those tracks.
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EDIT: Well crap... SoundCloud deleted my track. Ugh...
Yea :/ Well as far as vocals are concerned, you could automate the effects when the male kicks in but it will a pain in the ass when they sing together :p

EDIT: I just saw the synths are also in the same track with the vocals.. RIP :P
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