Help with mix

Hey there.

The mix sounds pretty good IMO. The only things I'd suggest (but it's probably just my own personal taste) is to turn the vocals down slightly, and add a bit of reverb to the clean guitars. Don't need loads, just enough so it can add a bit of liveness to the mix, unless you were going for that sort of "dry" sound. Also have you tried blending the pickups together for the cleans? I.e. one track neck, one track middle, one track bridge etc. Sometimes it can add a nice feel.

Really like how the bass fits in with the guitars. Tight playing too.
the song sounds good man its really catchy! I think the kick could come up a bit tho, and to me the snare sounds a little weak in some of the louder parts but it could just be because i listen to a lot of metal...maybe a little high end on the distorted guitars, and the toms kinda sounded funny on the verses not sure if it's the levels or if they're too dry but something seemed a little off. Other than those details everything sounds solid, great tracking and great performance.
thanks a lot guys. I still have some work to do on the vocal end of things. I can't seem to get them to sit right--and if I suck out the low end it makes the vocals sound too whiny and high.