First mix for a local band =]

Drums are a bit too "tubby" especially the kick. Guitars are a tad too loud and too "woofy". Some of the vocals are a little buried. Might want to check your panning in a set of cans too. Seems all over the place.
There is potential for a ball crushing tune here. I agree with comments about the low end - he who controls the lows controls the galaxy. Snare sounds buried in there a bit too much to me.

The stereo imaging is kinda wierd, everything in the center seems very low compared to left and right, did you use a spatial widener thing?
What do i do to make this sound less "tubby?"
or what about the lows do i need to control?
Snare is a little soft, and I'd replace the godawful Sup2.0 kick sample, even though you did a good job with it.

Def check the panning. However I fucking love the loud guitars, makes the whole mix seem really powerful and loud.