First mix in a while, looking for some feedback.


Jul 18, 2017
It's a first mix in about 2 weeks, I'm a lazy fuck, thats it.
Never tried layering drums, so this is my first attempt(SDXs, EZXs and Brian Hoods snare room sampe).
I tried to learn a little about mastering, but still can't do it, thus it might be pretty smashed.
I have a new mix ready to be bounced and then masterd, so knowing if it's heading towards right direction would be good.
Song is cover of Arcadia's Nightfall, raws provided by band. Nightfall.wav?dl=0
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Drum balance would be a good place to start.

The snare and kick are sitting above everything in the mix. It sounds like you have the velocities maxed out for both the snare and the kick, I would try humanizing the velocities a bit. I feel like the vocals could use some tidying up, maybe some saturation/delay. The overheads sound over compressed which gives it a washy sound. That being said, I like the guitar tones.

Overall, not a bad mix

Keep at it!
Drum balance would be a good place to start.

The snare and kick are sitting above everything in the mix. It sounds like you have the velocities maxed out for both the snare and the kick, I would try humanizing the velocities a bit. I feel like the vocals could use some tidying up, maybe some saturation/delay. The overheads sound over compressed which gives it a washy sound. That being said, I like the guitar tones.

Overall, not a bad mix

Keep at it!
Thanks for reply!
I thought that drums should be pretty loud for that genre, I didn't like it but kept them like that. After listening to it now I will definitly agree that vocals are pretty muddy. Actually I think that guitars sound pretty shitty :D yoo much mids. I think that I used tsc-1 or tse808, Supersonic amp by vadim taranov, S-preshigh impulse, eq, maybe nls, center stereo and L1.
Does the kick and snare sound decent though, the way that they sound on their own? It was first time that I was blending samples so I am really curious.
The drums should definitely be loud, but there are ways to make them sound huge without maxing out the velocities. When i'm humanizing, I like to find the sweet spot which is usually around 115-120 (the max is 127). Not a huge fan of robotic sounding mixes but thats just a preference thing. Not sure how you route your kit but I get most of my depth and mass from parallel compression and a good room sound.

In regards to the snare and kick.. I like the kick, definitely fits the mix but the snare sounds like its clashing with the the sample you're blending. I don't usually blend snare and kicks (mainly use GGD) but you could give this a shot. Try carving out what you like about the sample and EQ the rest out to make room for the main snare that you use. After that bring the fader all the way down and slowly bring it back in until you find a happy median.

Hope that helps!
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