First mix tips

Word Bearer

New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2012
Hey guys, only just joined this forum so thought I'd jump right in and post up something for critique.

Been working on this for a little while, experimenting with varying tones. Settled on using just Pod Farm for now, though messed around with a few other Poulin plugins.

This is just a sample of the instrumental mix for the moment. Drums are all recorded live, with bass and guitars direct.

Appreciate any and all feedback, cheers
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Welcome. The playing isn't supertight. The guitar tone is terrible. Undergained and super fizzy, no meat in it whatsoever. Go back and redo it completely.
You can try these presets if you want Pod farm accepts .l6t files right? Don't know if these presets will work on your guitar but maybe they'll give you an idea at least.

Drums are decent. Kick has too much low mids and mids in general.

Yeah, rework the guitars thoroughly that's the main problem with this mix.
Thanks Plankis, will check through the tones, however I've only got the basic PodFarm, no metal shop so can't use the Big Bottom that seems to be the basis of a lot of the most regarded tones out there. May experiment more with the LeCto plugin and some impulses though.