First mix with Steven Slate Drums! I need help critiquing this megametal mix!


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Hey guys! I FINALLY got my Steven Slate LE drums! :kickass:

I didn't have any classes today so I spent the day installing, re-mapping, and figuring out to make this damn thing sound good! I was previously using Addictive Drums, but not completely happy with the sounds I was getting from them.

After switching over the drums, I really tried hard to work on my mixing skills.

I have always really had trouble with EQ-ing everything to fit in the mix but I think I'm finally making SOME progress! Unfortunately I had to mix most of this on headphones but we'll see how that works out.

Here's the full song! Any opinions about the mix or music would mean a lot to me!:headbang:

Blackened Earth: Earth SSD Full.mp3

Updated with different kick sample: Earth SSD kick10.mp3

Latest mix #3!: Earth SSD 3rd.mp3
Sounds great so far, dude!

I would recommend getting the kick a bit punchier/a different sample. It sounds strange in the context of this mix/is a tiny bit distracting to me.
I agree the kick is a little distracting. It doesn't really sit well in the mix. But overall these drums sound pretty dang good!

I really am thinking about investing in the slate drums instead of superior.

Vocals are a little loud in spots. Need some room carved out for them!
I agree with both of you guys! I tried a different sample, using the Kick 10 instead of Kick 5 this time. I think it's a little beefier. Then again it's does kind of sound similar in the mix but you can definitely hear a difference at the 6/8 guitar solo section where the drums chill out for a bit hahaha

I also realized on the first mix posted I forgot to pan the toms, they were all dead center :lol:

Updated mix: Earth SSD kick10.mp3
this is a well nice mix, i'm really liking the song too!

usually when i mix on headphones i tend to make mixes bass heavy.. haha.

what amp/cab/mic is this? i'm really digging this guitar tone too.

drums are sounding really nice too.

good job!

this is a well nice mix, i'm really liking the song too!

usually when i mix on headphones i tend to make mixes bass heavy.. haha.

what amp/cab/mic is this? i'm really digging this guitar tone too.

drums are sounding really nice too.

good job!


Thanks! I have the same problem with mixing on headphones.. and also having problems with the bass frequencies in general on this mix. I'm getting a lot of frequency build up in the 50-200Hz area which I've tried to EQ out with not much luck. I low cut the heck out of the guitars and even the bass guitar.

The guitars are basically SoloC>Nick Crow 8505 > Catharsis's impulses with some Highpass/Lowpass EQ

This was the first time I started to Lowpass the guitars to get rid of some of the fizz, and at first I wasn't liking the results at all but after about an hour or so mixing with the lowpass filter on, I decided to bypass it real quick and HOLY CRAP! Wow I wish I was doing this earlier!

I personally like the newest kick for now, I feel like I cant get the double bass parts to cut through as much with any less attack on the kicks :(

Thanks for all your comments, keep em coming!
Great song and great vocals. Mix is good too. This band have myspace?
Thanks dude! No Myspace yet...gotta finish some more vocals for these demo recordings first!

God yes we need to go on tour asap.


I spent a few more hours today really trying to get stuff to sit in the mix
Did some scary EQ work around (I cried a little while carving up my guitar tracks! :lol:) But I think it definitely fits the mix better and made a little slot for the beef of the vocals.

Also tried a different set of toms, with a little mid suction and slight verb

I'm not really digging the cymbals in Slate Drums (especially the hi-hat and ride) I might load up Addictive Drums and use it for just cymbals

Latest mix #3!: Earth SSD 3rd.mp3
Sounds pretty good but I was surprised by something in particular.... the snare's sustain can be heard more on the right side than left side :O Very strange thing. The snare itself sounds centered but the sustain which might be coming from room mics/OH seems to be panned slightly to the right. I hope I'm wrong but man... it really got me frowning for a moment there, like "wtf is going on here?" :D
really digging the drums, would you mind sharing info which samples were used?

overall great sounding mix! i think the vocals need to be dryer, though. too much reverb as is.....a bit more midrange grind would be cool too.
for metal, use hi hat 2 or 3.... SSD cymbals are easy especially with 3.5.. for metal they sound good with some low shelf cut...
i really liked the mixes, cymbals could come up a bit, just a bit.... drums sound very massive... kick sounds metal to me. i like the singer