First Mix with Superior 2.0 Metal Foundry

Boy this does sound very realistic. I like it that people say the samples are raw... I have no clue myself but if that is true... imagine the possibilities! :)

Let's see where this goes.. might as well just fuck buying triggers and shit and go straight for drum programming in the box for my next project :p
right off the bat i noticed the cymbals sounded incredible!
im listening on crappy speakers atm, but i thought the kick sounded cool for this song...and the snare i didnt hear anything wrong with it, and the toms sound pretty good..especially for them to be right out of the preset!

im diggin the song too haha

I wrote that sucker in like 20 minutes. I just wanted something real "metal" to showcase it. I'll tweak it more tonight.

I don't know why people think the snare sounds weird. It sounds like a snare drum to me. I guess you guys are used to hearing super-uber processed samples and not more natural ones.
I'm not crazy about the snare, but yeah - LOVING that kick. This sounds AMAZING for only a few minutes of tweaking. Can't wait to start messing around with my own copy...

toms sound good
cymbals sound really really good
but i think slate´s kicks and snares are the best out there
Missed the first go, but the cymbals sound amazing on the updated mix! wow.. impressive.
The kick, not my kind of kick, too floppy sounding.. and the snare does it's work.. i think with some more tweaking it can sound fuller, but im most impressed with the OH's.
I REALLY love the OHs. I love the toms too, and the snare is ok. I still don,t like the kick though, sounds too ''soft'' or lazy I don't know hard to say it.

edit haha: floppy
i've been hearing lots of bands do this style kick lately, with the beater attack a few hz lower. it's a little different, i can dig it. i s'pose it needs the right guitar to fit it. i bet it'd be good for sludgey bands that chugga chug 9 string guitars tuned down to negative Q.
The cymbals definitely do sound really good.... probably the most realistic and overall good sounding cymbals I've heard from a sampler. I think using this and replacing or mixing in some slate samples for kick and snare, and either also drums or just tweak the metal foundry drums a little bit would turn out really, really well...

I just got the metal foundry tonight. gotta experiment with it now!