First post of some of my new mix-tests...


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2011
Hey guys, i´m new at this forum so i wanted to start with some greetz to
everyone so...
hello to everyone ^^
after a few years of recording and experimenting i wanted to make a
little cut and this is where i stand now:
i´m using a line 6 toneport, impulses and for example the tse x30 for
my guitars and basses, steven slate drums and reaper as my daw.
especially reaper and ssd are totally new to my and so i´m trying some
new stuff and experimenting some more. here is a short demo i made
as a cover from a soilwork song and i would like to hear how do you
like it. i´m sorry if the bass sound doesn´t that good but normally
i´m not tuned that deep and the step from dropped c to open b was maybe
a little to much for him. ^^
I know every new guy is DESPERATE to be heard and simply think "I heard everybody becomes a pro instantly on here so I'll just register and immediately go post my stuff", but please for Sneap's sake it only takes a quick 20 second look to the forum to realize there's a section for posting your mixes.

Welcome to the forum btw, and I can't listen to your mix cause I'm on my phone right now, sorry
Sry, my bad, so could some admin please move it into the "rate my mix/tone" section?
dertillo said:
Sry, my bad, so could some admin please move it into the "rate my mix/tone" section?

There's also a thread for that hahaha seriously though, go to the "need a thread moved" sticky and post the link to this thread, I can't do it cause I'm on forum runner for Iphone and don't have any copy link option

And sorry if I came across as bitchy, nothing personal really just saw this happen more than once in a couple days and it really doesn't take that much to check out the rules and FAQ before posting
I honestly wouldn't even say that this is a "hey rate my new mix" post, he's introducing himself to everyone and just posted a song to show us some stuff (which should be perfectly fine for this forum honestly). I wish more people would introduce themselves in this form.

Got a good sound for a beginner btw, start writing some originals and stick around here more often! And welcome to the best forum ever!!