first real mix(with new gear)


New Metal Member
May 16, 2010
Hey guys I'm pretty new around here, well here is my story
I have been recording for about a 2 years first year only having 2 mics and a mixer straight into my computers sound card with audacity, second year i had a tascam us-122(horrible drivers.. computer shut down at least twice every project) and was using adobe audition 3.. anyways Ive managed to get the best sound out of what i had sometimes i would record overheads then manually put clicks where the snare and kick were and trigger it and other nightmarish techniques like that :yuk: Anyways Ive been working and working and about two weeks ago finally got decent gear (foucusrite pro 45, custom pc 8 gigs of ram, i5 3.4 ghz, fostex pm.4 monitors, es57's, blue spark, At2020 AT2021, and I still have my two sm58's, Im learning reaper so far i love it! and I spent allot on various plugins anyways This is one of my first recordings with all the gear, anyways id love some input! I have a slight feeling it may be lacking bass or have too much bass the fostex have horrible bass response I'm upgrading after I'm done recording this band haha:D A couple more things there's no bass tracks yet and of course no vocals.
drumagog on the drums but I have a room mic in there to blend I feel with genre doesn't do so good with just samples you need to blend allot.. also the guitars are guitar rig 4 with impulses(Im waiting for line6 to send me a new authorization code for pod farm they gave me one that was already used.. line 6..:bah:) and If I had a metal mix id post it instead lol.. but anyways sorry for all the typing:Spin: anyways let me know!

Updated mix, btw I realize how off allot of it is, this is kinda a pre production demo when they come to record for real Were gonna make sure everything's on time and I also picked up on adam's reaper tips for quantization for anything that falls out of time noticeably.. and I dont care for my oh placement kinda muddy I mean I cut alot of lows but the placement is ugly then again Im mixing and recording in a 12x12 bedroom :err:
The last link didn't work so I went to your account to find the last mix. I prefer the "pop rock" over "pop rock1"

Glad you mentionned there is no bass cause after you said "a slight feeling it might be lacking bass" :)

It's say it's not that bad, the guitars are maybe a tiny bit too loud compared to the drums. You removed some highs and you were right imo cause the pop rock 1 mix was too aggressive, maybe it was too much, you might wanna try bringing them back just a little (not more than 1db). I would use a multiband compressor to compress under the 300hz of the guitars in order to make them less muddy, but not too much since it's rock and not metal. But it would really need the bass to be interesting. I like this sort of guitars, if they were a real recording it would sound decent.

Maybe lower the overheads by a few DB max ? Not too sure about this point, though. On the drums, you can do better on the toms by increasing the lows (but highpassing the lowend) and a slight clickiness. So that when they are there, you really get them in the face, but keep in mind my personnal preference is to have them really powerful.

You might wanna try some room/verb on the snare and toms to make them sound fatter.

If you haven't done it, you might try parallel compression, bus compression on the drums buss, and light saturation on the drum bus or only snare/kick/tom bus, or any combination of the 3, to make them sound fatter without increasing their volume fader.

Overall, not bad for a first mix !
Thank you for the kind word sir :D

I'm gonna mess with it later today and ill post it back up
thanks for the input! by the way there is a vintage tube warmer on the guitar bus and drum bus but Im gonna mess around with some compression