First Recording/Mix


Jan 18, 2010
Now you're probably gonna think I'm a complete idiot for posting something on here with no bass, well the truth is I don't own a bass and I know it's really hurting my overall tone and mix. But this is my very first recording with everything. Pick it apart besides the obvious bass and tell me what I'm doing wrong or how it sounds. Be mean, I strive on negativity =P
it sounds very thin, like it needs more in the mid/low mid range. try fooling around with that a little as well as beefing up the drums, i nice fat drum sound really makes a difference. also, even if you dont have a bass, you can record a bass part with your guitar by pitching the track -1 octave, its better than having no bass at all. but your definitely on the right track, keep it up!
I see that you use Reaper. I myself use Reaper, how do I go about pitching the track -1 octave? I'm having a really hard time getting good drum tones and eqing the drums in Superior Drummer so I just have to work on that over and over again! Thanks for the response bro.
hey man, just record the 'bass' track as you would with your guitar, you can then throw 'reapitch' one of reapers stock plugins in, then just adjust the octave as sanders said. then process as you would a bass guitar.
i'm just a beginner myself, but it sounds like your cymbals are high passed really high, or your boosting some high eq, making them sound fairly thin. what are you using to record guitars? they need more mids and low end to fatten them up (and some bass of course)
it does sound a bit thin...crank up the bass and mids a bit and the drums are too low in the mix imo.....overall for a first time it is really not horrible like most peoples could be.....
Yeah mixing drums is really hard for me. I'll bump the EQ's tomorrow after work! Thanks for the responses guys!