First recording test with my new DIY isocab


New Metal Member
Dec 24, 2006
Hi everybody,

Here's my first clip of my new DIY isocab recording test:

This is the equipment for the recording test:
6505 Head
DIY Isocab \w v30 Speaker
Jackson Warrior \w EMGs
1x Shure SM57
2x T.Bone MB75
EQ: Lowcut @ 45Hz & Highcut @ 12kHz
.. and a very untight bad improved riff :)

1x 100% L
1x 100% R
1x Center,
all have the same ratio and the 3 above mics

Please let me know your opinions.

sry for my bad english.. :bah:
You joined in 2006 and this is your very first post? rofl :lol:

As far as the tone, I think you're on the right track. To me it sounds very dark and muddy. It's very grainy and fizzy. And if I'm not mistaking, I'm hearing some phasing issues as well with your mics. What amp settings did you use? It's not very bright or crisp, but that could also be due to what mic you're using, the position of your mic, your guitar, pickups, strings, your playing, etc. It will also help to hear what it sounds like in a mix as well.
here are my amp settings (i use that for live playing):

normal input
gain: 4.8
low: 7.4
mid: 4.5
high: 6.5
res: 6.2
pres: 7.2

have you better recording settings for me?

how can i fix the phase problem, new position of the mics or with a software or can i disregard this?
Hmmm... well if you're using an iso cab, I don't think you need the res up that high. I know Sneap keeps his res on '0' when tracking guitars. Especially if the sound/air is isolated in that tiny space, too much res can make things boomy and muddy real fast I'd think. And I usually experiment with pres between 5 and 8 (not o'clock values, but actual values). You might also want to experiment with turning down the low a bit to see how it sounds after turning down resonance.

As for mic positioning, just experiment. How is it mic'd right now?
The mic-position:

i think i will take another DIs (RoseOfSharynDI or another with a full mix behind) for the testing tomorrow..