First rumored acts for Gigantour 2009

I fell asleep as soon as I thought of Megadeth.
I got a chubby as soon as I thought about Megadeth

The La Rocque Gigantour ramble ...
I've been to all of them, it's a beautiful thing.
The one that stands out to me was the 2006 w/ Megadeth, Lamb of God, Opeth, Arch Enemy,
Overkill, Into Eternity, Sanctity, The SmashUp.
I'm a dues paying member of the Lamb of God Congregation, please do not call me a fan boy,
I'm too old for that, a fan man I be.
As a LoG Congregationalist I was invited to meet the band and hear/watch their sound check.
I'm not really into meeting bands in person, as I never know what to talk about?
Man, love the new CD
Do you still use George Lynch Screamin' Demon Pickups?
As I'm always hours early for everything, why not.
One LoG band member was wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers tshirt (STEELERS, baby) so we talked about that/them.
As I was wondering and wandering backstage, heard this woman ask if she could take some pics while the bands were playing on stage, manager person said, sure, and gave her one of those thingies(photo pass?) that hang around the neck.
Did not think too much about it until I saw her in the pit during the Megadeth Set.
Did she have one of the thousand dollar cameras with the wide angle, telephoto, micro, zoom with a filter thread?
Oh no, she was using a $2 disposable camera. Something about her, that camera caused me to laugh my ass off.
It still brings a smile to my face these years later.
I would guess she got some great close ups of the bands.
One last thing about this tour, I did get to talk to Angela Gossow back stage, that was nice.
In fact it was all good -