First set of gentle

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Hey dudes! Yeah I agree on all that was said. I gotta try some more mic placement things and what not. One thing though is the honk may not go anywhere as for some reason I am a fan of that kind of midrange, but thats a preference thing I guess. I like that weird squish it can have.
Yeah, I'd definitely suggest brightening that up.

How did you track your DI's, Kyle? POD?

Yeah always with the pod until I get up the cash to buy a nice quality DI.

Yeah i gotta get over this fear of making things too bright. It literally haunts me haha.

I updated the link with a version that I think has a bit more tightness and definition, but still needs to be brighter.
pretty cool. I also agree with what has been said about the tone being too dark. I like the underlying sound of the tone, it just doesn't seem to have a nice presence.
I think that my issue is I am so used to playing live and dialing my amps in with moderate high end, bc lets be obvious most pa guys run way too much highend into your tone. So now I have scarred myself. Oh well time to be able to seperate the two.