First shows and last shows!


Mar 30, 2003
This is one for the nerds, I love doing this, hahaha...who knows dates/places of first and last gigs for the various lineups/members of Anthrax? We should start with the Fistful lineup since everything before that is pretty blurry memberwise (John Connelly, Paul Kahn, Greg D'Angelo, etc. etc.)...I can tell you though, the FIRST Anthrax gig was September 26th, 1981 (New York)...22 fuckin' years! Yikes!

So here we go...

* first gig of FOM lineup?
* last gig with Danny Lilker?
* first gig with Frankie?
* last gig with Neil Turbin?
* first gig with Joey Primadonna?
* last gig with Joey Primadonna?
* first gig with John?
* last gig with Danny Spitz?
* first gig with Rob?

BTW, as a sidenote, between Spitz and Rob, aside from Paul Crook did anyone else fill in or were any dates played as a 4-piece?
Fuck, I vaguely remember that...wasn't Mike Tempesta supposed to do some shows as well?
Last show with Joey is whatever the last four tracks of Live, the Island Years are. I am too lazy to check. There is a video in existence of this show, but only the band, the guy who filmed it, and maybe a couple of people at most (if any) own it.

"Across the River"/"Howling Furies" from Joey's first show is on the compilation Deeper Into the Megavault. It was somewhere in Texas April of 1985.

I believe the last show with Danny was March 12, 1995 at the Palladium in LA at some AIDS benefit with Helmet and some other bands. Rob Halford sang "Solar Angels" with the band. It's very possible Danny was not at this show. I don't know. It's also possible they played another show with him after this.

First gig with John was May 14 (my birthday), 1993 in Tijuana.

Johnny is right about Rob.

Also, Paul Crook's first gig with Anthrax was Novemeber 24, 1995 in Old Bridge, NJ at Birch Hill.
nythraxfan (resident Anthrax in film scholar) informed me that Joey's first show was March 3, 1985 at L'amours in Brooklyn, NY. The liner notes I read that led to my incorrect post on Joey's first show are as follows:

"This live version from a show in Texas features JOey Belladonna at the vocal helm for the first time."

It of course makes sense that a NY band would debut their singer (and start a tour) in NY rather than TX.
First show in the new millenium was at Jaxx right down the street from m house. I told Frank that day and he didn't seem to care much. I guess he would have preferred it were elsewhere.
AlexStomp said:
Ok, first gig where the year starts with 2. Also, have they ever played a gig without a lead guitarist?
I don't know the details, but May 9, 1997 at the Whiskey in Hollywood during the F Music Fest, they did not have Paul Crook. Mike Tempesta was there and he played some, but I don't know how much. I wasn't there and only read a paragraph in Metal Edge about it.

Also, Boston on Dec. 8, 1999 they had no lead guitarist. I am not sure of the venue. Anyone know???????
jdelpi said:
Also, Boston on Dec. 8, 1999 they had no lead guitarist. I am not sure of the venue. Anyone know???????

I was there, it was at the Avalon w/ Biohazard and Slipknot. Biohazard owned!!!
Thats also the first place i saw them the second date of the Stomp tour Nov. 25th '95 w/ a pre famous Deftones, and LOA. That show kicked so much ass!!

Anyway ,That set was a little hazy to remember for me beacuse Biohazard had just kicked so much ass and Thrax came on, and they just didnt seem on it. Something was missing. Oh it was Paul!
yo...had to ressurect this thread coz i had some more questions...I'm not sure the date on Joey's gig is 100%...the one Justin mentioned from March 1985...I had this other date of 27th February 1985, in Albany...any ideas?

When was Frankie's first gig? Early-1984 I know...fuck I will miss this guy...20 years with Anthrax...glad I got to see him 3 times...

So did Anthrax play as a 4-piece at that gig only or were there others?

And when did Paul Crook actually "leave"? I don't suppose he played any shows after Snake Sabo did he?