First slayer dates announced!

Tom Araya is a very polite individual, especially considering the overall tone of their music. In some slayer bootleg which I've long since lost, in between songs, Araya says something like "hey, guys in the pit, if you see someone fall, help 'em up, we're all brothers here"

And DiscipleofPlato, I'll be sure to never get lawn seats if that's an option.
While Diabolus in Musica and God Hates us All may not be extraordinary albums, they are definitely in the " decent" area. I mean, at least it doesn't have horribly produced drums that sound like fucking trash cans and "you flush it out! YOU FLUSH IT OUT" type lyrics. But, both of those albums have that dissapointing feel, because the opening tracks on both of them are two of the best Slayer songs ever written. It just goes downhill from there. Still decent albums though, on a scale from 1-10 they fit between 5 and 7. With the exception of Undispituted Attitude, all of those albums before those two were great metal albums. So all you stereotypical metalheads that jizz blood in anger over a band having a couple of dissapointing albums after a decade and a half of extraordinary thrash metal need to shut the fuck up. Lots of people like Slayer, so the few members who said " who cares" also need to shut there dickholes. It's obvious that some people care, and not all of us have a holier than thou attitude when a band's newer stuff isn't as good as there old.