First song from my EP

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
Hey guys, so this is the first song that I wrote for an EP that I will be doing. The intro it´s a bit long but I think that the final result it´s quite good. It hasn´t vocals yet. The idea is to compose 4 songs and then search for someone to handle the vocal work. Feedback about the song or the mix is welcome. song.mp3
Really dig the song man!
Sounds is nice too, great snare. Kick is a bit "sloppy"...don't know how to explain that haha
Thanks a lot bro for taking some time to listen this. Coming from you means a lot because your music is also very good ;) So how are you with the composition? Already achieved that flow?lol I think this time I got the snare I really wanted. I think I know what you are saying about the kick. It´s about the way he is mixed not programed, right?
Thanks man!
Yeah kick is about the mix/sound, not about programming.
Song allready has a nice flow dude, but vocals can turn a song around I allready painfully experienced lol
Only thing I'd maybe miss are some more awesome melody guitars, you allready had some songs with awesome melodies in there. But again,with vocals you might not need them at all
Congrats Filipe, great song, playing and sounding!:rock:

+1 Nice clean guitars!!
Really like the drums!

And yes, some nice vocals will be WIN.
Nuno - that new song totally rocks dude!!! Sounds fantastic and yeah, loving that verb on the snare!!! Details, details???
Thanks man!
Yeah kick is about the mix/sound, not about programming.
Song allready has a nice flow dude, but vocals can turn a song around I allready painfully experienced lol
Only thing I'd maybe miss are some more awesome melody guitars, you allready had some songs with awesome melodies in there. But again,with vocals you might not need them at all

Good to hear that you find the flow. If you write a song that will be having a singer, sometimes it´s better not overdoing with arrangments or the voice will not have space to flow and create a more dynamic feeling with the song. But of course I am not a fan of only power chords without some lead riffs!lol

Congrats Filipe, great song, playing and sounding!:rock:

+1 Nice clean guitars!!
Really like the drums!

And yes, some nice vocals will be WIN.

Thanks a lot friend :)

Love the reverb on the snare, what did you use?

It´s from a snare that is blended with other snares. It´s the reverb from the devildriver snare.

Nuno - that new song totally rocks dude!!! Sounds fantastic and yeah, loving that verb on the snare!!! Details, details???

Thanks a lot my friend :) As I said above it´s the reverb that comes with the sample in the devildriver snare.
Really diggin your tune man:rock: Mix is lacking some :rolleyes:dunno glue?
Kick and snare stick out a bit.. Otherwise great mix!

Thanks a lot friend. ;) Yes I agree with you but I am not very skilled when it comes to mix a bass, have to read more and more about that. There is something missing between the guitars and bass to glue a bit more.

Nice mix man!!

Voce usou bateria normal ou plugin? O som da batera esta muito bom!!

Thanks :) A bateria é plugin, é o superior drummer 2 mas a kick foi reposto a 100% por samples e a tarola esta misturada com outras 3 tarolas para conseguir um som maior e melhor.
I like the song a lot, mix-wise, I think it´s really lacking low end from the bass guitar, sounds really empty underneath the guitars which makes the song sound like there´s no "movement", don´t know if you get me. Specially that fast riff after the intro, needs a driving bass guitar underneath to make it keep rhythm well
I like the song a lot, mix-wise, I think it´s really lacking low end from the bass guitar, sounds really empty underneath the guitars which makes the song sound like there´s no "movement", don´t know if you get me. Specially that fast riff after the intro, needs a driving bass guitar underneath to make it keep rhythm well

I understand you well, too well. I've been on a struggle to get a decent bass sound. Because it´s so fucking hard to mix a bass, for me it´s the most hard instrument to mix in a song. Because the low end on a bass is not static, some notes have much more low end than others. For example the same note have much more low end in the low string than the others strings and I am not talking if I play one octave higher, that´s logic. But the same octave has a different low end if I change the string, and to have a big low end but yet defined and with clarity for me it´s nightmare. I think that the bass DI´s are not very good but my skill in mixing a bass it´s also not the better, so it´s a double fail!lol I have to do more sounds test, read more and more about this. I think you understand what I am saying because you are a bass player.
I understand you well, too well. I've been on a struggle to get a decent bass sound. Because it´s so fucking hard to mix a bass, for me it´s the most hard instrument to mix in a song. Because the low end on a bass is not static, some notes have much more low end than others. For example the same note have much more low end in the low string than the others strings and I am not talking if I play one octave higher, that´s logic. But the same octave has a different low end if I change the string, and to have a big low end but yet defined and with clarity for me it´s nightmare. I think that the bass DI´s are not very good but my skill in mixing a bass it´s also not the better, so it´s a double fail!lol I have to do more sounds test, read more and more about this. I think you understand what I am saying because you are a bass player.

I understand completely what you´re saying, bass guitars are wild animals and need so much taming to sit well in a mix cause it´s supposed to be beneath everything but never fade out either, it´s a constant battle for me as well, and as a bassist I´ve come to realise the playing is very important for this, the tightness and consistency in the playing itself will make a big difference in making the low end sit smoothly with the rest of the mix. Besides of course, the bass used, amps, processing, etc.

Still, I like the song and you´re definitely headed in the right direction, best of luck with it!
I understand completely what you´re saying, bass guitars are wild animals and need so much taming to sit well in a mix cause it´s supposed to be beneath everything but never fade out either, it´s a constant battle for me as well, and as a bassist I´ve come to realise the playing is very important for this, the tightness and consistency in the playing itself will make a big difference in making the low end sit smoothly with the rest of the mix. Besides of course, the bass used, amps, processing, etc.

Still, I like the song and you´re definitely headed in the right direction, best of luck with it!

How about automation for bass? only for that specific part? but yeah, it something to do with playing...
Sounds good. Here are some suggestions:
-Filter or tame the lows/lowmids of the lead guitar
-Lower the snare a bit or make it fit the mix a bit more
-Reprogram the drums (mainly in the beginning) - I don't think kick pattern fits that kind of music, sounds more like some weird djent stuff. Also the kick sounds a bit robotic to me.
How about automation for bass? only for that specific part? but yeah, it something to do with playing...

I already thought about that. Maybe it´s the best thing to do.

Sounds good. Here are some suggestions:
-Filter or tame the lows/lowmids of the lead guitar
-Lower the snare a bit or make it fit the mix a bit more
-Reprogram the drums (mainly in the beginning) - I don't think kick pattern fits that kind of music, sounds more like some weird djent stuff. Also the kick sounds a bit robotic to me.

Thanks for the help, I am gonna see those points. The kick hasnt indeed a standard pattern.
Cool song. I as well really enjoy the clean guitar parts and the intro. I'm interested to see how vocals would turn out here. Maybe a mix between clean/harsh ?
Cool song, I dig it.

Thanks a lot my friend ;)

Cool song. I as well really enjoy the clean guitar parts and the intro. I'm interested to see how vocals would turn out here. Maybe a mix between clean/harsh ?

Thanks ;) Well the first idea that came to my mind was to compose just one song and then search for someone because I already have bad experiencies with searching for singers. I thought that I didnt want to lost a lot of hours of work and dedication that may not ends in nothing. But then I thought again and doesn´t makes sense search for someone with one song, because I would become conditioned to the limitations and style of singing of the singer. But one thing is for sure, if the work have quality no matter the style, will appears someone who can handle the vocals.

For this first song I have in mind clean vocals but doesnt mean that some harsh vocals here and there may sound bad. When comes the time it´s a matter of trying some shit.

Thanks a lot to all the people that liked the song, I know that this style it´s not the most popular here. But I am greatly appreciated for the good feedback. ;)