first spoiler for our upcoming album (lot's of real stuff and 100% real snare/toms)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
This is still raw! Drums are processed, but this isn't final by any means. There's barely any editing going on at all. We want this album to sound like musicians performed it, so this maybe isn't as polished as some of my other work. Maybe not everyones cup of tea.

I'm pretty proud on this one because I managed to get an awesome sounding 100% real/no trigger/no replacement snare and toms. Kick is triggered and editited for the faster double kick patterns on our album, though.


Stinnett Space Invaders Custom (emg 81) -> od 808 -> Dual Rec -> krank rev 4x12 (v30) -> sm57 -> api3124 -> rme ff800

Quads (overdubs)

same, just a 5150 instead of the dual rec.


Fender J USA something -> di heavily processed and dual rec into spreshigh


Sm7b -> audient asp 008

lemme know what you think!
Really digging the vibe, and that guitar tone is awesome! Super fitting. Snare and toms also pretty much rule... helps to have an awesome drummer, eh? Would love to hear some details on the drum setup.

Overall thing could use some more verb, esp on the vox, and maybe a 'deeper' verb on the drums. Feels a bit dry.
Woah! Means a lot dudes! Lasse, you may like the kick because it's a mix of the sticky click kick (or something), the big rock kick (or something) and our drummers kickdrum!

and yes it rules to have a great drummer!
the drums sound great, i love the kick and the toms, snare is nice too
overheads sound very smooth but still present, i wish there was an S2
expansion that sounds like that :lol:

everything sounds really balanced and deep already,
stoked to hear it full mixed!

that intro should have more ambience, sounds more like the idea of a part rather than an actual part. and that reverse guitar thingie behind the vox should also be like 90% verb lol. this just lacks overall ambience.

snare: i5 on top (api), 57 on bottom (asp).
toms: d2/d4 (api)
kick: d6 (api)(thanks for the help, lasse, worked out great!)
oh's: oktava mk12, ride nt5, china nt5, hihat sm7b (all into asp)
room: t.bone sc450 (behind the drummer, micing away from the drummer)

that's pretty much it. I recently bought duende native stuff and I love it. Used it a lot. VCC all over the place. 1176 on room and para comp. Room send
to a bricasti room impulse (small wooden), snare/toms and a tiny bit oh's are send to a big hall.

vocals: they're compressed hard with rvox and cla 1176. I send it to a bus with decapitator on tape mode driven REALLY hard.
I think he sounds unique, raw and honest. Of course that's a matter of taste. Much more important is that his lyrics are awesome and he is one of the most important persons in my life.
I wish I could contribute usable samples but that snare lives so much from the room and overheads. I'm not sure if I can capture that in a sample :(
Sounds awesome Olli
Especially the snare
also liking the kick

Keen to hear how it sounds when it's finished
Also diggin the music, altho I need to get used to the vocals
Yeah, we're inspired by bands like rinoa, meleeh, fall of efrafa, la dispute... We feel more like a hardcore band than metal
Wow. This sounds so good man.

When the guitars hitted, I tought 'mhm.. they're a tad loud' compared to the drums but then they found their place in the mix perfectly. I mean, they're loud... but that loudness benefits the music. Very cool.

The drums are from outer space. It's really appreciated that you kept actual drums. It helps a lot to make your music much more listenable and interesting since there are nuances and you could hear the feeling and sensibility in the hits. Good one on this.

I believe that it's going to be a really good work. good luck
you guys make me giggle like a little girl :D I think the guitars are a tad too loud. Maybe a db. Bass too, I really like it when the drums are upfront. They're played so well, they deserve it. This is my appreciation to you, Nils (our drummer). Hugs :)