First take on VST-amps-only mix..


Guitarist / Novice A.E.
Apr 3, 2011
...and had a blast! Normally, most people nowdays begin mixing practice with ampsims, but i always thought they are not like the real thing, that's why i always used my Bugera/any other real amp + mic!

But it seems i was wrong!

Latest mix:

All midi except guitars! Is it realistic? Please some general guidilines to improve my mix!

Some more details:

i used trilian for bass, and superior drummer for drums, while all the other vst/vst instruments are freeware or donationware.

I am sure i have done better mixes but i always wanted to improve me Eq skills, so i would appreciate any frequency notes on this mix.
Can't give you any specifics but I did like the guitar tones. They are maybe a tiny bit sharp sounding but from my experience most amp sims have a kind of odd harshness. The drums did sound robotic but it definitely seems like a good starting point.