First tattoo, like a boss! - This is for YOU Steve & Band!


Producer/Composer at AM3
Dec 9, 2010
Mountains of Earth
Hey folks,

I finally got inked today, and I just came home after sitting there for the past 3 hours being drilled on. (lol?) It turned out really nice, actually better, it's AWESOME!
I got my inspiration from the Terminator movies and of course Power Quest! <3 :rock:

Combined, I made up a "little", yet precise Terminator arm with the Power Quest logo engraved on a metal plate inside the arm, with the "Be Aware, Don't Be Scared, We'll Survive slogan beneath it.

I'll post pictures soon, as I need to take "after tattoo" care, on my arm so it doesn't look bad the next few days or maybe rest of my life?

As I said, wait and see! :D :kickass:


P.s. I'm really sorry, but at this time, I don't have time to take pictures + care the arm + work + etc etc. Once I get back, I will put some up!
As promised I took these with my webcam. I still have the plastic on, and within a few days (maybe after PPM festival), I'll put up the updated photo's without plastic etc etc.

Enjoy guys & girls, my love to you and Power Quest! <3 :worship:





Holy CRAP! That is outstanding!! Just in time for PPM, too! :kickass:
Amazing. Personally I'm not that big into tattoos but this one looks amazing, and it must've took some serious dedication to PQ to get that!

Word: Power Quest is awesome!

Can't say anything more, how much I love them! Hand 'n glove fit definitively. :)
Now, I can have my love with me wherever I go! :)
