First they came for the Communists...

some of you have been complacent about the Right Wing Fundamentalist move against queers, and that's okay, cause it doesn't affect you, right?

well, maybe not.

Religious right Republicans now attacking straight unmarried couples

And you thought the religious right Republicans were only interested in telling gays how to live? Well, now they're telling straight unmarried couples that they have no rights either.
The city council has rejected a measure allowing unmarried couples with multiple children to live together, and the mayor said those who fall into that category could soon face eviction.

Olivia Shelltrack and Fondrey Loving were denied an occupancy permit after moving into a home in this St. Louis suburb because they have three children and are not married.​
I have a very close friend who lives with her boyfriend and has three kids. I can't think of a more monogamous couple, with or without a marriage license. Too bad I can't say that about some of the married couples I know, who seem to spend half their time trying to figure out ways to slink around behind their "partner"'s back just to get a little extra on the side.

at least I'll give Papa Josh credit, he and his wife were open about it, and nobody got hurt.
Yeah, I saw this yesterday. Pretty fucked up.

Hey, isn't the rapture suppose to happen soon? It would be cool if it did. If all the Christians were sucked up to heaven, we could go back to living in a decent country. Treating others as we wish to be treated, helping the poor, caring for the Earth. You know... all those things Jesus said.

General Zod said:
Yeah, I saw this yesterday. Pretty fucked up.

Hey, isn't the rapture suppose to happen soon? It would be cool if it did. If all the Christians were sucked up to heaven, we could go back to living in a decent country. Treating others as we wish to be treated, helping the poor, caring for the Earth. You know... all those things Jesus said.


Hey, Gregory Zodheim!

Check your pm's sir. :heh:

Edit- Disregard, noticed that you replied in email format. Cheers buddy!
Lizuuurrd, I keep thinking you are Doomsniffer now.
Oh, and btw, in the location, it should be "origionally" note the second "o".

Topic: this can't be real.
We are the outstretched fingers
That seize and hold the wind...

The strangeness of awakening
In an oh so silent world
Breathlessly waiting
For the first proud beams of light
As the hours grow longer
And the shadows never fall
My sky has forsaken me

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen dicht geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem schritt.
Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschiern im Geist in unsern Reihen mit Die Stra&szlige frei den braunen Bataillonen!
Die Stra&zlige frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schaun aufs hakenkreuz voll hoffnung schon millionen,
Der Tag fuelr Freiheit und fuemlr brot bricht an.
Zum letztenmal wird nun appell geblasen.
Zum kampfe stehn wir alle schon bereit.
Bald flattern Hitlerfahnen ueber alle Stra&szligen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze zeit.
Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen dicht geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem schritt.
Kameraden, die Rotfront und reaktion erschossen,
Marschiern im geist in unsern reihen mit.
watch out, you northwesterners, you are going to get smitten hip and thigh!!

In another in a series of notable pronouncements, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says God told him storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America's coastline this year.

But here's the big question: will it hit the West Coast in retaliation for illegal immigrants, or the East Coast in retaliation for homo nups?

Robertson has made the predictions at least four times in the past two weeks on his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.

Robertson said the revelations about this year's weather came to him during his annual personal prayer retreat in January.

"If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms," Robertson said May 8. On Wednesday, he added, "There well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest."
pat robertson squeezes out another prediction.
Why does such an outlandish prediction bother you? Why not dismiss it? You seriously know more about Pat Robertson than most christians. That observation goes double for your knowledge on George W. Tell me what time did Dubya shit this morning? I'm fascinated by the answer you shall give to such an inquiry, as you're so well versed on his civil rectal movement. Jiminy Johosafats! You don't see me checking out comments made by hip hoppers, my pals reverends, or blogs made by leftist extremists, do you? Why don't I? Because I loathe their non-existant contributions towards humanity. It appears you hold this sentiment towards the opposite camp. So why add fuel to the fire that burns inside you? You want an ulcer my good man? Live a harmonious life of love and peace. Best advice I can give.

With Love, your friend
lizard said:
Know thy enemy.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

I do appreciate your concern, mein freund. Tonight when I'm swigging pink bismuth straight from the bottle, I'll rue the day and mutter softly to myself, "Jerry warned me, Jerry warned me..."


Ahhhh carry on then my good friend. I'll be downing beers about the same time tonight. Hell I'll even toast one to Hillary.

On second thought... :cool: