First time posting a mix. Advanced critique wanted/encouraged!


dangert billy
Apr 15, 2010
eugene, oregon
First off, let's cut to the chase. The song is called Sands of Time, by Eve of Conviction.

So this is the first band I've recorded with some amount of professionalism, and I feel like it needs work to get 'that' sound. Drums are (obviously) slate, and addictive drums for cymbals, although I may purchase some of Sturgis' samples soon. Guitars are pod farm through recab impulses, but I'm not happy with the tone. Vox were recorded on some sennheiser mic through a Saffire Pro 26. In terms of the mix we want, just imagine a Sturgis-y production with August Burns Red/For Today style music. Thanks in advance!
seems like you have preety cool sources, could sound really good, are you like automating a lot? it sounds kind'a very uncompressed if you get what i mean, do you have a bass there? i'm on my crap work headphones so i may be wrong but seems like there isn't one. I'd add some compression on the master to make it pump a bit and take care about the weird levels (that's why i ask if you're automating a lot) or maybe that's a sidechain with a weird attack release i dunno... A pro here is clarity of the guitars, something i find a bit hard to achieve. What did you use for guitars? oh and... get rid of that subdrop ¬¬, just my opinion on that last one.
There's hardly any automation, just a few parts to adjust levels. There's a bass, but it needs work. Vocals definitely need to go down. The guitars were done in pod farm and run through recabinet impulses. I wrote out the chain below.

Guitar chain: Noise gate: -54dB thresh, 0% decay // Screamer: 12% drive, 80% gain, 60% tone // Cali diamond plate: 4 o'clock drive, 11 o'clock bass, 5 o'clock middle, 5 o'clock treble, 3 o'clock presence, 100% volume // Compressor: 0dB thresh, 1dB gain // Recabinet impulse: 6L6 57 edge grill through LAConvolver // EQ: +2dB @ 67Hz, -11dB @ 205Hz, +6dB @ 345Hz, -4.5dB @ 790Hz, -4.5dB @ 11000Hz.
hey man thanks for the detail! i think the vox here sounds really good, just needs some good processing, though i can't say anything about that as i never really worked on vocals, have you checked the "bass discovery tip" (or something) thread? that helps a lot on filling basses avoiding boominess.
Drums are ok, guitars are way to loud, and vocals are almost unbearably loud and dry. Is there any bass? I certainly dont hear one. Everything souds too separated, this mix doesn't gel at all, and is pretty weak, and is it exhibits no power at all. Not being mean, just letting you know what's up. Keep on trying though.