First time reamping

The tone is pretty cool. It's nasty sounding, but it may have too much fizz on the very top. Where did you HP and LP?

The kick is definitely making the whole mix pump.
LP at 19200 and HP at 120.

Should I bring the low pass down about to get rid of some fuzz?

edit:so typing that out, I'm realizing the lp at 19200 is pretty much not doing a damn thing as far as what is really audible.
When I LP at 12K it just sounds plain muddy, it seems to cut too much fizz from the sound, a little bit of fizz makes it sound more natural :D
the standard is LP at 8-12khz, and then a high shelve somewhere.. this certainly needs it.

it's a good tone, but the drums need more in way of processing, i think..!
