First time you heard the Until Eternity Ends EP


New Metal Member
May 10, 2007
The first time I heard the EoS EP "until eternity ends":

I came home with the CD and put in the CD-player full of excitement..

"Cooool.. New CD from EoS!!"

Made myself comfi in my chair... Pressed play on the remote.. Turned up the volume just a bit.. Just enough to hear some voice or somthing in the beginning of the record..

"What?.. What did he say?? Could anybody hear that??"

No.. Nobody could..

So we turned the volume up... And up... And up.. Until we could hear what was said..

"In three seconds (or so) we'll blow your speakers straight to fucking hell"

**BOOOOM** The music startet..

And my speakers died.. :mad:

So.. The morning after i had to go buy new and much better speakers so i could enjoy the rest of that awsome EP along with everything else EoS has made.. :rock:
I did identify something about blowing something to straight fucking hell and after some listens I figured he meant the speakers!
Allthough the modern man would just import the song into an editing program and then gain the intro speech!
Dan Swanö;6501369 said:
Sorry man....but that was the intention. :)

straight to fucking hell.....yeah!!!!

Lol.. Its ok Dan.. My speakers were old and needed to be replaced anyway.. :lol:

I still laugh about myself :kickass:
I've never heard it. In fact, I only own Crimson I and II. I can't find any other EoS album around here!

If you can buy them on the web Unorthodox, Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow are absolute must owns, really some of the best brutal and melodic death I have ever heard.