Of course there can be a new Edge Of Sanity album. I am there.

I for one am really looking forward to this "Crimson II" release.... I really couldn't care less what it's called, as long as it sounds good. And I really think Dan has earned the right to release a record under the EoS name. If it can help him to reach out to more people, fine by me.

And Dan: Please let ColdDarkNord do the art for the CD, I would buy it for that alone :grin:
At least don't use the same artist that you had for "Crimson"... Duncan C Storr's cover must be the worst in all music history... or close to it. :p
Nefilim said:
Agreed that Matt has done great things for Nightingale, but CDN's stuff kills. I think he'd do a great job on Crimson II if he got the chance.

You do make a great point there, but I personally believe that Matt is the right guy.
No No NO!!!! Edge of Sanity has from its beginning used paintings on all its album covers. Paintings are just the ultimate metal covers anyway from the dawn of metaldom! No disrespect to the artists but EOS should not use a computer graffix artist, it would end up with a different feeling. Not that covers really matter or anything.

Speaking of artists, I have seen many of Necrolord's album covers these days. I wonder why?
starchildo@aol.com said:
Hmm, my name is Charles Zobel and I live in New York City, Howard Beach to be precise. I probably did buy something off of ebay from you since Im there often. What is your ebay ID? I am cuurently 24 years old, a high school teacher and part time metal guru. I got into metal in 94 and have over 2000 cds including all of Dans. My favorite things in life are:

Food, CDs, cats (I have three), and females (usually of the human variety)

I live a generally boring life but it suits me fine! :p Currently Im trying to keep my job since NYC is gutting the education department.

Hmm what else do you want to know about me? Is there a way to put a pic of yourself on this thing?


And now an ode to Dan....

"Oh DANNY boy... The pipes the pipes are flowing! ...Oh Danny boy! :grin:

Ahh.....now I remember. I do way more buying than selling on ebay, but awhile back I sold a bunch of Cd's that I just never listened to. You must have bought one of those from me, no idea which one it could have been though. Maybe you can look it up if you're curious. My ebay ID is just my email address: Metal88@aol.com

So you own over 2,000 cd's? That's a whoooole lot of money spent. If I had the money I'd do the same though, hehe. Move the decimal point over a spot to see the size of my collection. =( Hehe.
starchildo@aol.com said:
No No NO!!!! Edge of Sanity has from its beginning used paintings on all its album covers. Paintings are just the ultimate metal covers anyway from the dawn of metaldom! No disrespect to the artists but EOS should not use a computer graffix artist, it would end up with a different feeling. Not that covers really matter or anything.

Speaking of artists, I have seen many of Necrolord's album covers these days. I wonder why?

Hmmm... good point, I must agree. Not so much about the ultimateness of paintings as album covers, per se, but certainly that they're part of the EoS asthetic. To have a computer graphic layout would sorta get away from the tradition.

Who was the guy who did "Spectral Sorrows"? Dan Seagrave or something to that effect, wasn't it? Dig that guy up and use him again...
Nefilim said:
Agreed that Matt has done great things for Nightingale, but CDN's stuff kills. I think he'd do a great job on Crimson II if he got the chance.

I have?? rokzor.
If Ivan does C2, then maybe then I'll have time for a social life!

I was assigned to do "packaging" not artwork. Strictly Marketing. Another guy is going it. Forget his name... but he rocks.

I am a web developer by trade (CFML, SQL, etc)... and Dan had someone else do his web site... he doesnt play favorites. I already had my 15 minutes of fame. Whoever does it, or anything in the future, I am sure Dan will pick whoever is best suited for it.
I'm gonna be the dick. Not to discredit dan, but the last person that reformed an old band to put out a new album, well i was really disappoitned in their effort. Not to say that u will do a bad job, but i think that u might do more harm then good if this new EOS doesn't live up to its predecessors. I hope ur right.

apprehensive at best

Light said:
I apologise in advance for being a cunt, but once again I think most of you are missing the point. Who gives a flying monkey's fuck who does the artwork, what it looks like, or what the band name is? Even who the members are - even if it *didn't* include Mr. Swanö. You either appreciate it as a piece of art, or you don't - and if that isn't your viewpoint, then you have other issues involved than those which should really count: the music itself.

Relax a bit, chaps. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to discover an album that stuns you - maybe you'll be hit by a big pile of trogdor. But don't ever let the trimmings and linkages dominate the reality of the creation - or you'll be selling your souls to the bug-eyed men in suits...

The people talking about is certainly give a fuck, or would they talk about it at all? :cool:

Besides, covers really add to records as products, *stroke damnation and delivrance sleeves and their lovely artwork* :wave:
I think artwork is very important... it adds to the whole of an album IMO. A great artwork and good layout combined with great music is the perfect mix as far as I'm concerned. If you don't give a flying fuck you might as well download and burn all your CD's on those beautiful unmarked CD-R's. And to make it even better, you can desecrate the CD completely by writing in crappy handwriting with a marker pen on the album "EdGe oF SäNiTy - Krimsonn 2" (an illustration of most males' handwriting style. :P ) Then fill your shelves with these CD's and see how fun it is.