Well..what can I say???
When I decided that Edge of Sanity couldn't go on the way it did,
I wrote a letter to each one of the guys (since we didn't live in the same city) and explained that I wanted to go on as Edge Of Sanity alone. I felt that their visions and mine clashes in a negative way
Just listen to the tracks the other guys wrote from "The Spectral Sorrows" and forward, I mean, tracks like "Feeding the Charlatan", "Enter Chaos", and half of "Infernal" and the whole of "Cryptic"..this is definately not E.O.S. material in my book.
But E.O.S. was a democrazy, even though I felt it made us standing in the shadow of the other Swedish bands..
To have a few innovative tracks and a bunch of tracks that sounds like a completely different band, was never my ideal of a great album..but it was the only way to keep everyone happy.
But after "Infernal" I felt that it was either Me or them.
I felt that Edge Of Sanity had become my project and that I was the one to carry the project on, and with a brand new line-up of similar minded people, we could take on the world.
The other guys reacted, and said "So you're kicking us out!!"
Even though I didn't write it like that, that was the Sum of it all.
They go, I stay, I'm Edge Of Sanity.
But then the unthinkable happened
Black Mark and the other four teamed up and kicked me out!!!

Months before, when I wanted to stay out of a tour, suggesting Robert Karlsson for a temporary replacement, the other guys went
"Ooohh no!! We would be killed. To do EOS without you wouldn't work..."
Based on that I felt that the chances of the other guys doing the whole thing without me or even to be putting up a fight for the bandname was equal to zero.
But like I said...they did and the result:
Them-Me 1-0

..and Black mark let them make an album (That I have being paying the debts from with my soloalbum and Nightingale)
For as long as the "new" EOS existed, I didn't care.
I released albums using other names. Always thinking "This would have done so much better if I could have used the brandname I spend 7 years building" but that one was taken by a band that I once was a part of, but music they were presenting on "Cryptic" was pretty far off from what we had done together.
I still believe that, if things would have gone my way, and I could have released the follow up to "Infernal" with MY Edge Of Sanity, using the best of the musicians available at the time, it would have elevated EOS into the top spot of death metal bands...
but instead I was mentally fucked :Spin:


and sunk into a deep depression which nearly costed me my job and family.
But after a year of soulsearching I found the path (called "Moontower" ) and exorsiced the demons of the past, and recorded a unique album on my own.
When I got the news that EOS was not around anymore, I started planning for my return. And it wasn't until Black Mark made me an offer I couldn't refuse, that I finally felt that it was right to do it.
No matter what people say.
I have the right to make an EOS album on my own.
I have the right to continue the Crimson tale.
I have the right to do what ever I want, because In my world, Edge of Sanity grew to be something very personal to me and it was taken away from me one fateful meeting in the Svampen-tower here in Örebro.
The other four guys have nothing to do with my vision of EOS.
I always knew that it would have sounded better if I had played all the instruments for my tracks (Apart from some excellent drumming by Benny) I am not saying that Sami, Anders and Dread was crap musicians...they were just not the right guys to play my material.
Just the fact that I wrote all the riffs on a righthandstringed guitar played lefthanded (Just a normal guitar flipped over..the light string up, the low string down..) made them all sound so different played by someone else.
You have heard one album from them without me (Cryptic)
you will soon hear one album from me without them (Crimson II)
after that, you can give me the score.