OH my, am i glad to see i´m not the only one who listens just to "dan's tracks" on Infernal!! theehee
If I had a uterus I would like to carry your baby Dan

i doubt you'd say that after a decent education on all the horrors of childbirth
now. Dan, one question here, if i may..
what you mean by "your EOS".. well.. i get the feeling you're meaning "your EOS sound", and thus one can assume that this sound has never really left, i mean, that in the end you did different music because you went on to different names..
0r would you have made the same music you did under all those other band names, only under the name of EOS, had you gotten it in the first place?
bah, it´s 4 in the morning and i´m in the middle of exam studies, so i´m sorry if my ponder is a bit confusing. but i guess the main gist of it is: if you had gotten the EOS name, would you have written EOS music or would you have gone on to all those other types of sounds you have done throughout the years?
The reason i´m asking, is because i always saw it as EOS having this special sound to it, and well.. each "project" and band name and all those having their own sound to them (mayhap only due to them being done with other people and those people bringing their own sound/character to the project with you, etc). i mean, when i think of you doing another EOS thingie, i immediately think of it in the vein of old EOS, even though i know it would never sound exactly like that, but that it would be more like EOS than it would be like the other projects. Would that be fairly safe for me to keep assuming?
he is not God (though he is pretty damn close)

and to think that people look at me funny whenever i either declare or try to explain that
Hey, that's super inside info for you
hehe, so you're the one who has all the goodie gossip?