Fitting EMG's into Ibanez RG HELP!


Nov 25, 2004

I have a typical Ibanez RG body that had a set of shite stock passive pickups installed (HSH). I'd like to replace them with a set of EMG 81-SA-85...all of course are active.

Is this possible without moding the body....will there be enough room to cram a battery pack? Anyone got any experience with this? Help would be appreciated!

Thanks all!
Cool...thanks :)

I'm just dubious that the HSH setup will leave enough room...also do you think I could run an 81-SA-85 off the single battery effectively?

Its just a very expensive setup to have go wrong!!!!

Also if you don't mind me asking...what do you think would be a decent passive alternative?

Thanks et al
am not that familiar with the electronics EMGs use, am guessing you could use one preamp for all the pickups so that would require only one battery, but if there is a preamp for each pickup maybe on battery will be drained quicker. i would say consult some one with EMGs in his guitar like 'yngvai' from this forum, he has EMGs on his ESP M-II

and for some good passives try dimarzios(tonezone, X2N, Super Distortion, Evolution, and many more) all are good with different voicings suitable for lots of playing styles
Cool thanks :)

So anyone with EMG's here? Can anyone help?!?

Heh...all this hassle for a triad of EMG goodness...
You only need one battery for all three EMGs. It should last for at least a year, just unplug your guitar when you're not playing.
If you wanna go for EMGs the battery will probably fit in the control cavity, where the pots for volume and tone are.

I'm actually switching to passive pickups soon. Dimarzio's probably. The EMGs are sounding too stale and sterile to me.
Yngvai X said:
I'm actually switching to passive pickups soon. Dimarzio's probably. The EMGs are sounding too stale and sterile to me.

Matt, I was wonderingif you would have any opinion on this, since my bro is about to buy a new guitar. He was thinking about ESP or Schecter and I know that EMG's are very metal sounding and maybe sterile sounding too like you said, but are Seymour Duncans any better? My bro was thinking they would be more versatile and maybe better for soloing, what do you think?
Progbass said:
Matt, I was wonderingif you would have any opinion on this, since my bro is about to buy a new guitar. He was thinking about ESP or Schecter and I know that EMG's are very metal sounding and maybe sterile sounding too like you said, but are Seymour Duncans any better? My bro was thinking they would be more versatile and maybe better for soloing, what do you think?

Seymour Duncans blow unless you wanna shell out a shitload of money for their very top of the line humbuckers. Go with Dimarzio if you want passive pickups.
Yngvai X said:
Seymour Duncans blow unless you wanna shell out a shitload of money for their very top of the line humbuckers. Go with Dimarzio if you want passive pickups.

That Schecter Blackjack 7-string he's buying got Seymour Duncan JB at bridge and '59 at neck, so I guess those can't be any bad? Well I guess he should just test it and see if he likes the tone, heh.