Can I use Seymour Duncan Blackouts with EMG's?


Aug 31, 2006
I have an ESP LTD Eclipse with an EMG 81 and 85, I got a SD Blackout bridge pickup to replace the EMG 81. The guitar has 2 volume knobs, one tone knob, and a 3-way switch. I know mixing active and passive pickups is usually a bad idea, but what about mixing different brands of active pickups (even if they are the same voltage and such)?
Yes - I've got a Duncan Blackout Neck/85 set in my guitar right now.

Wow awesome! How does the blackout compare? I tried out a guitar with blackouts in it and found that it sounded OK compared to my EMGs but I also thought that the blackouts sounded "warmer" in a way that I wouldn't want most of the time - although it could be nice in a neck pickup.
If I remember correctly Jeff has the blackout neck in the bridge position. He posted a clip over on the duncan forum with the normal blackout setup(bridge in bridge, neck in neck) and it made me wanna try em pretty bad.
Wow awesome! How does the blackout compare? I tried out a guitar with blackouts in it and found that it sounded OK compared to my EMGs but I also thought that the blackouts sounded "warmer" in a way that I wouldn't want most of the time - although it could be nice in a neck pickup.

I've got the Blackout neck in the bridge - imagine an 85 with the dynamics of something like a JB. It does sound a bit warmer/sweeter, but I really dig it. It's my favorite bridge pickup so far, got it in my MH400NT. If you're ever down in Ventura, we've got essentially the same rig (MH400NT, 5150II, Maxon, Mesa oversized) :rock:

The Blackout bridge was definitely cooler than an 81 - hotter than fuckall though! I didn't even use a tubescreamer with it, because it simply didn't need one. It was also impossible to get a clean tone and the top end was kinda harsh like the 81's, but it was definitely not as metallic/lacking low end as the 81.
so I just used to quick-connect from my EMG 81 for my Seymour Duncan Blackout bridge pickup... holy fuck. this is by far my favorite pickup. it just sounds right to me...its got a lot more output than the EMG 81, but it definitely seems a little less compressed, its got more bass...I love it. I'll never go back. Plus, SD definitely made an effort to make it look alot like the EMG 81s and 85s, so my guitar looks pretty much exactly the same...really, this thing is awesome.
If this was directed at me...

No. I've 18v'd EMG's and not been happy with the result - it makes it less like an EMG to me.

The Blackouts don't benefit from the 18v for some reason, according to the guys at Duncan.

That's good to know, I might wind up with a set of Blackout 7s (when they come out in 'standard' size and I don't have to route up my beautiful Blackjack) sometime soon.

I hope they sound better then the mustaines, those sounded really bad in my guitar, way too bright, couldn't get a usable sound out of those pickups.
they don't seem bright to me at all...they definitely have A LOT more output than the EMG 81's, they are less compressed, and they sound fucking awesome for clean AND distorted stuff...I tried hitting my strings as hard as possible (and I mean really really hard) to see if the pickups clip like 81's do...did not happen. I'm usually not blown away by pickups but these things are fucking awesome. I've had an SD Dimebucker, Emg's, SD Distortion humbuckers, and I've used Caparison stock pickups, and this is the best I've ever used. You have to lower the gain on your boost pedal AND your amp or make the pickup ALOT further from the strings than normal, but thats a plus for me, because usually it ends up meaning more clarity. In any case, the bridge pickup rules, haven't tried the neck one, but I'm assuming it kicks just as much ass.
I just got some clarification from Duncan on these babies. Looks like I'm going to be picking up the set very soon :kickass:

The Blackouts come with a quick connect jack on the bottom---so if you
have emg's in the guitar already, you can simply unplug them, and plug
in the Black (in this case you would just ignore the traditional style
lead-wire that also comes out of the Blackout---just coil it up and let
it sit under the pickup, or cut it off).

18-Volts is fine. 27-Volts is NOT fine. There are internal components
that will likely fry at Voltages higher than 25.