Seymour Duncan IBZ, any experience with them?


Sep 3, 2008
Hi there,

I'm curious about how those pickups work and if some of you have recorded metal with them. The pickups are:

· Seymour Duncan IBZ (H) Neck Pu
· Seymour Duncan IBZ (H) Bridge Pu

How are they compared to EMG 81 for example? Any idea?
If they are Duncan designed pups for Ibanez I would venture to say they aren't going to be absolute shit but they aren't going to be great either. As usual with most pickups with the IBZ stamp on them :)

EMG-81 > IBZ pups - by a long shot.


I just noticed it was you :lol:

Sounds like the SD IBZ are shitty... Pity, I just had a deal in progress where I want to change my current guitar.

My guitar is a jackson equipped with emg 81 on the bridge and 85 on the neck and the deal would be to change it by a Ibanez prestige with those pickups.

The thing is that I'm currently playing metal and I had to ask this because I don't want that the weakest thing of the line becomes the guitar pups.

My guitar is a jackson equipped with emg 81 on the bridge and 85 on the neck and the deal would be to change it by a Ibanez prestige with those pickups.

Blah don't! One thing ive noticed about Ibanez is, even after you have emptied your wallet onto them they still give you some shitty pups that need replacing afterwards.

EMG all the way :)
I lol'ed.

Then I \m/'ed.

Then I cried.

Thank you for that Chryst.


wrong, the cheap pickups duncan makes for Ibanez are called "Duncan/Ibanez" the seymour duncan/IBZ ones, are no other than the JB/59 combo, e.g. pickups in the marty friedman model
yea, those duncan-designed pickups blow

i thought they were pretty decent until i replaced the bridge p-up in my ESP with a JB i got from metaltastic...made the stock DD pickup sound like trill shite
So are the Duncan/IBZ's the one that came with the Prestige SZ's?

I have tried the non-prestige IBZ's and I don't like the pickups. I believe they non-prestige ones are modeled after the Duncan Distortion and the Jazz. My SZ did not come with the Duncans, tho.
So the thing is quite confusing now :lol:

If the guitar player of megadeth plays with them I think that they aren't that bad, though.

I'd like to have the chance to try them...