EMG's to Blackouts...

Ok, I have the Blackjack ATX now and I am very pleasently suprised by the sound I am getting from the Blackouts!!

The main thing I found was that I didn't need to adjust my palm mute position to get the chugga chugga sound but that could be to do with the guitars thenselves rather than the pickups, also, I found the Blackouts to be just as noisy as the 81-7s. A quick swap to the 607b with 81-7s and I found the tone to be noticably brighter but not as deep/full. The strings need changing on both my geets so I will swap a blackout in the ATX for a 81-7 in the 607b when the new strings come in order to get a more true sence of the pick ups.

Either way, having both pick ups, both light and heavy woods, I am chuffed!!
swapped out the pick ups and it was an easy job, even for a first timer. However, I think of note is that the connecter pins on the EMGs and Blackout pick ups are in a different position. This proved tricky fitting the EMG into the space where the blackout was due to the size of connector cable in my schecter. The Blackout fits perfectly in my SC607b and looks n sounds ace!!
I`m using 85 at 18 V, can find some DIs with 9 and 18 V. 18 V helps very much.
Here some little pickup comparison, all actives at 18 V, check info for link to DIs:
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I don't get where you guys get Blackouts have better cleans. The cleans on the BO neck pickup are even worse than on the 85 it's based off, which is an already bad-sounding pickup for cleans. :/
Is there a difference between the BO neck and bridge pick up? (Stay with me as I am gonna get back on topic here :) )

In the tech spec info for the Blackjack C-7 it says both pick ups are AHB-1s bridge but then says the magnets are different. Only, on this info, I have swapped out the ABH-1 neck pup for the EMG 81-7 bridge pup in my 607b. The offical technical info on the schecter spec shet is quite confusing. I did it this way round to keep a blackout in the bridge position in my C-7 and 607b.

(incidently, the connector lead in the C-7 is not long enough to rech the EMG connection so it is upside down in the neck position but that is a different thred and I ain't tryin to be no 'kewl kid' either)

So based on this info, have I put a neck pup in the brigde of my 607b or not?
Yup! The neck model has an alnico magnet, the bridge model has a ceramic magnet.

Just as I suspected, thanks for the infomation Rex... and the picture. I appreciate you help! :worship:

It looks like untill I can extend the pick up quick connectors in my schecter (they are very short and the only why you can fit an EMG in them is to have them upside down) the EMGs and BO will have to be swapped back for the time being. I am sure it is just a quick soldering job to swap the short connectors in the schecter to some longer ones like in my SC607b. Thonmann sell them anyhow.