To all SC-607B players present who use Line 6 Pod Farm/Pod Hd...


Jan 5, 2013
Hi guys wondering if any fellow SC-607B players in this forum could give me some advice on dialing a decent tone for it with Pod Farm or the POD HD?

Everything I end up with sounds too bright and thin...Oh yeah, I am using the stock EMG 81-7 pick ups. Do not have the cash at the moment for any upgrades, so please no "Get some Blackouts/Bareknucles/707's problem solved etc..." :)

Been bashing my head against walls as I have a whole lot of song ideas but until I find a tone to settle on I cant do anything!
I would find someone with a 707 to trade with your 81-7.. the 81-7 is a very bright pickup and can be too thin and harsh when you push the highs.
Fellow SC 607B and Pod Farm user here!

Good call Deathell, I might look into that!

My interface is a UX2, if I am making a DI then I plug into the pad input and I go through the Pod Farm pre-amps and compressors and EQ to make DI's, making sure I don't go into the red on the input and above -8db in my DAW. (I have also tried using the mixer output of a Bad Monkey in its bypass mode but I am not sure it has made a difference or what input I am to use as the Bad Monkey mixer output is a balanced output.) I then use Amplifikation Creme to re amp because it tends to be less fizzy than other amp sims I have noticed, it certainly works better on my guitar than others and I use all the usual suspects so far as amp sims go. I don't use Pod Farm for anything else in my chain other than making my DIs. I also try to never use too much gain either as, like Deathell stated, the 81-7 is a bright pick up. Furthermore, the SC 607B is made of alder which, so i have read, will produce brighter tones compared to mahogany which quite a lot of metal guitars are made of. Other than that I have my tone dial set about 3/4 to 7/10.

I would also suggest having a good set up done on it, I am yet to have it set up yet but it is on the cards for me.

Can you tell me what gauge strings you are using? I am thinking of using something heavier than the 58's I have on now, that could have an affect on tone too.
Hi guys wondering if any fellow SC-607B players in this forum could give me some advice on dialing a decent tone for it with Pod Farm or the POD HD?

Everything I end up with sounds too bright and thin...
Do you use lowpass filter on the tracks too?
Also a SC607-b owner here, I have this same problem with sims, unfortunately I feel that it's the name of the game. Try to single out and EQ the frequencies you don't like, that's really all you can do
You don't NEED a tubescreamer with that guitar if you can adjust your technique, should be very tight sounding from the get-go.
Using thicker strings can help as can simply dialing in a tone that is just on the border between "too fat" and "too tight" with preference to "fat".
Give attention to how the character of the distortion reacts to the amount of treble/bass hitting the preamp (TS/noTS).

I've got 56's on now and I have ordered some 60's which I will change to by the end of the week. cheers for the advice (even though I'm not the OP).
Thanks for the advice guys! I will just keep the highs down and the gain down and see what I can get. Maybe even boost the low mids up a bit to warm it up a little.

Sorry for the late reply. just returned from the Soundwave Festival (Anthrax, Slayer, Metallica, Linkin Park etc..)
Can somebody tell me how this quick connect thing works with EMG's? Going to order a 707 soon and i am a complete noob at swapping pick ups. Basically want to know if the connect process is as simple as they say?
Also a SC607-b owner here, I have this same problem with sims, unfortunately I feel that it's the name of the game. Try to single out and EQ the frequencies you don't like, that's really all you can do

Is that song snippet done with your 607b? Did you use an amp sim?
Is that song snippet done with your 607b? Did you use an amp sim?

It was with my 607b, yes. I did it through my 5150 mic'd as I was writing it. I didn't really go for a good tone, I kind of just slapped a mic in front of my cab but it worked well in the mix. I struggled with amp sims for a few years, then I bought a used 5150 combo and Framus 4x12. I haven't had a single problem with getting a useable tone since, I just hate all of my tones regardless haha